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体现了很强的杀伤力。Has manifested the very strong lethality.

让我们再来看看这个阵型的杀伤力Let me talk about the offensive aspect of it.

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通常我都拿比.17更具杀伤力的步枪。I have a more powerful rifle than a .17 in my hand.

你敲打的文字太有杀伤力了,又一次地把我的心敲碎。You beat word too injuriously, again to break my heart.

通常我都拿比.17更具杀伤力的步枪。Usually I have a more powerful rifle than a .17 in my hand.

你知道十桶毒品多有杀伤力吗?。You know how much din the morningage we could do with ten kegs?

没有了创始人,硅谷最有杀伤力的公司是否能再续辉煌?Can Silicon Valley's most disruptive firm prosper without its maker?

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此举对于尾盘有一定的杀伤力,不少尾盘暗地里在积极促销。This is closing a certain lethality , many stocks on the sly in active sales.

Wignall是如何计算出远古火山爆发的杀伤力的?。How did Wignall calculate the killing power of those older volcanic eruptions?

拥有较低的杀伤力,但准确度相当高,就算在移动中准确度依然相当高。The first submachine has the least power but is accurate even when on the move.

马奎兹是个比帕奎奥更好的拳手,但帕奎奥的拳更有杀伤力。Lets face it, JMM is abetter boxer than Pac, but Pac has abetter punch than JMM.

相持段能力比较差,正反手的杀伤力不强。Stalemate segment capacity is relatively poor, are lethal backhand is not strong.

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所面对的情况,病毒对16至45这年龄组别的杀伤力最大,仍然不清楚原因。As the situation stands, it kills within the age group 16 to 45 so far. No reason.

这就像他们的经典老歌……我只是觉得它不会再有什么杀伤力了。Its sort of their golden oldie . . . I just don’t think that dog will hunt anymore.

新滑膛枪杀伤力提高了以前的版本,从而使游戏好得多。New musket lethality which improves the previous version, making the game far better.

随着发现25号这一天的杀伤力越来越明显,她也开始相信“成三”原则。Along with the apparent lethality of the 25th, she also respects in the rule of three.

促销可以说是目前中国市场上最具杀伤力的武器之一。The promotion may say is in the present China market most has one of lethality weapons.

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为了看清楚未加抑制的浪费杀伤力能有多大,我们将观察一下最近的经济嘣溃。To see how devastating unchecked waste can be we'll examine the recent economic collapse.

几乎没法穿过盾牌,也没有远程杀伤力It would have had a hard time getting through the shields and it didn't have any distance.

火箭炮的射程远,杀伤力强,在战争中立下汗马功劳。Bazookas have a long range and are very destructive, they make a strong contribution in wars.