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这是全国最盛大的游行活动,而万人空巷的观看人群是其盛大规模的有力证明。It's the country's largest parade and the spectators lining the streets proved it.

万人空巷,叫好声不绝于耳,利物浦球迷给予香克利和他的队员无比的支持!The supporters were all cheering and showing their support for Shankly and his players.

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查尔斯摆脱掉的困难,万人空巷女人,他似乎又在什么年龄结婚了自己。Charles rids himself of the difficult, crowd-pleasing woman he married in what seems another age.

从跨文化的角度来看,韩剧为何能在中国造成万人空巷的场面,这和中韩悠久的文化渊源是分不开的。From the cross-cultural perspective, why can play in China, the scramble China and history of cultural origin are inseparable.

死亡总是不容小觑,但未必能带来举国同悲、万人空巷的震撼。Still, there was nothing very special in any of it, except death, which, while always special, does not necessarily bring millions to tears or to attention.

前几天看到巴黎笛卡尔大学医学院招生时候万人空巷的场景,是我在中国从未见过的。A few days ago I saw a scene which I had never seen in China before, that people flowed to the Admission of Faculty of Medicine in the Paris Descartes University.

开放第一天,人们以争先一睹这座神秘皇宫及其宝藏为快,北京市内万人空巷,交通为之堵塞,此亦成为当天各大报纸重大新闻。News of the opening flashed across the nation, and such was the scramble of visitors on the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill.

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吉米-卡拉格希望在国际比赛日之后,利物浦物疗室能够万人空巷,因为利物浦迎来是否具备联赛冠军资格大考。Jamie Carragher is hopeful Liverpool's treatment room will be a little emptier after the international break as the Reds gear up for a 'massive test' of their league credentials.

未来的世外桃源长洲万人空巷上周六在美国国民在斯波坎的最终方案后在下月举行的冬季奥运会花样滑冰队获得一个席位。Mirai Nagasu of Arcadia landed in 1st place after Thursday's program, putting her one-step away from regaining her title as national champion and earning her a spot on Winter Olympics team next month.

整个菲律宾大城小镇可能将万人空巷,坐在电视机前观看国家级拳击英雄帕奎奥对下一个世界冠军拼搏。Streets in towns and cities across the Philippines are expected to empty soon as people gather in front of televisions to watch their national boxing hero Manny Pacquiao fight for another world title.

整个菲律宾的大城小镇可能将万人空巷,坐在电视机前观看国家级拳击英雄帕奎奥对下一个世界冠军拼搏。Streets in towns and cities across the Philippines are expected to empty soon as people gather in front of televisions to watch their national boxing hero Manny Pacquiao fight for another world title.