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朱砂含有重金属砷和汞。Vermilion contains heavy metal arsenic and mercury.

飘渺前尘,注定只成为我一个人的朱砂墨迹。The fugacious past destined to be my single vermilion mark.

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血染江山的画,怎敌你眉间一点朱砂。Bloody Jiangshan picture, how enemy you brow a little cinnabar.

目的探讨硫化汞在朱砂中的作用。Aim To discuss the effect of mercuric sulfide in the cinnabaris.

光照对朱砂根愈伤组织的影响与外植体有关。The influence of light on callus growth was related to explants.

这个药是镇静安神的,里面有朱砂!Soothe the nerves of this drug is sedation, and there are cinnabar!

凤凰朱砂享誉天下,又名丹砂、辰砂。Cinnabar Phoenix renowned the world, also known as cinnabar, cinnabar.

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中国人大概从八世纪时开始制作朱砂雕漆。The Chinese began carving cinnabar lacquer in approximately the 8th century.

在朱砂湖停留约20分钟后到不同的地方看看。I went to a different area after spending about 20 minutes at Vermillion Lake.

这是中国南方对朱砂根枯萎病的首次报道。This is the first report of wilt disease of Ardisia crenata in the south Chine.

如你所愿,你终究成了一颗在我心头的朱砂痔。As You Like It, you will eventually become one of cinnabar in my heart hemorrhoids.

矿工们将含有朱砂的岩石切成一块一块的,朱砂是水银的主要商业来源。Miners hewed chunks of rock veined with cinnabar, the main commercial source of mercury.

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尚朝奉夜拾包袱,见是女人头颅,丢入朱砂井中。Shang Chaofeng night picks up a package, seeing is feminine head, in losing vermilion well.

结论朱砂安神丸水煎剂对失眠大鼠的睡眠有明显改善作用。Conclusion The decoction of "Zhusha Anshen Pill" can obviously improve sleep of insomnia rats.

三块金属底板是曲线的,通过细轴连在一起,并涂了厚厚一层掺朱砂的漆。Its three metal panels are curved, hinged and painted with a thick paint colored with cinnabar.

使用的颜料来自于不透明矿物和植被,如孔雀石和朱砂。The pigments used come from non-transparent minerals and plants such as malachite and cinnabar.

额头,那一印血红的朱砂触目惊心,忘记你,又谈何容易。Forehead, which India and blood-red cinnabar startling, forget you, again easier said than done.

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许多中药含有高含量的朱砂和雄黄,能够导致汞和砷中毒。Many TCMs contain high amounts of vermilion and realgar, and can cause mercury and arsenic poisoning.

你的嘴唇就像是波斯王国的弯弓,那是一张涂上朱砂的弯弓,那是一张头上镶嵌珊瑚的弯弓。It is like the bow of the King of the Persians that is painted with vermilion and is tipped with coral.

结果表明,铁红是花山岩画红色颜料中的基本显色成分,但红色颜料中存在朱砂。The result shows that the main composition of red pigment is Fe_2O_3 and other composition is vermilion.