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他过去是全县赫赫有名的神枪手。He was the deadest shot in the county one time.

这支赫赫有名的部队曾立过很大的战功。This famous unit had rendered the highest service.

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成为晚清赫赫有名的“红顶商人”。Become the Qing far-famed " businessman with red top " late.

唐古拉山以南,就是赫赫有名的雅鲁藏布江。Tanggula Mountains to the south of the Brahmaputra is famous.

这个爱德华曾在赫赫有名的约翰·福斯泰夫爵士手下当过一名义勇兵。This Edward served as a volunteer under the famous Sir John Falstaffe.

赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。Zhao used to be a famous TV host, particularly well-knowned for quiz shows.

还用说,当然是卓别林所创造出来、赫赫有名的流浪汉一角。Why, of course, it is the Tramp, a character made famous by Charlie Chaplin.

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酒厂创始于1960年,位于法国赫赫有名的胡格教徒农场。The winery, founded in 1960, is situated on the historic French Huguenot farm.

嗯,不说你也知道,当你成了赫赫有名的歌唱家、大红人的时候,我还是个小娃娃。Well, you know, when you were so great singing and all, I was still a little kid.

兰花也以因其品种繁多而赫赫有名。Orchids are also well known and very famous for the wide range of species out there.

对着高胜寒这个赫赫有名的狼牙特战队队长,谢思潇崇敬中带着亲热。At Goldman sachs cold this renowned spike team captain, with affectionate Xie Sixiao reverence.

台湾天王周杰伦的年收入,原来超越日本赫赫有名的天后宇多田!Taiwanese-Heavenly KingJay Chou's annual income is more than Japan's Heavenly Queen Utada Hikaru.

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说起富鑫窑,不单麻城市,整个鄂东山区都赫赫有名。Speaking of Fortune kiln, not only hemp cities, mountains are famous throughout the eastern Hubei.

很高兴跟赫赫有名的张佑赫一起,新娱乐公司首席执行官。很棒的晚餐谢谢哥们!Chilled with Woo Hyuk of H. O. T fame, and CEO of Newest Entertainment. Awesome dinner, thanks bro!

赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。Zhao Zhongxiang was a famous TV presenters in China, especially famous in chairing for brains Quiz.

她让崇高英勇的角色脆弱,让赫赫有名的大人物亲切,让可鄙卑贱的小人物值得同情。She makes the most heroic characters vulnerable, the most known familiar, the most despised relatable.

赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang was ever a famous TV programme host in China, especially for his intelligence games.

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事实上,早在米歇尔•奥巴马作为第一夫人翩翩起舞之前,吴季刚的才华就已在圈内赫赫有名。Obama danced her first waltz as first lady, Mr. Wu was well-known as a talent to watch in design circles.

例如,印度尼西亚的大使馆的洋房是曾经赫赫有名的沃尔什豪宅。A building that houses the Embassy of Indonesia, for example, was known for many years as the Walsh mansion.

赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。Comrade Zhao Zhongxiang was a well-known TV programme moderator, particularly noted for being a quiz master.