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他责备我疏忽大意。He blamed me for my negligence.

对工作我一点也不能疏忽大意。He cannot be trusted in the slightest degree.

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许多失效的链接是一个站长疏忽大意的表现。Many orphaned links are asign of webmaster neglect.

事故原因在于疏忽大意的假设被排除了。Carelessness was checked off as a cause of the accident.

原因常常是疏忽大意和松懈的安全措施。Many are caused by negligence and lax safety procedures.

不要让好奇心和疏忽大意伤害到自己甚至丢了性命。Do not let curiosity and carelessness kill or injure you.

由于疏忽大意所造成的损害概不赔偿。Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated.

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一些疏忽大意的人把这个生锈的耙子随手扔在了荨麻丛里。Some nugget tossed this rusty fork away, and it got lodged in the nettles.

如果你疏忽大意漏掉一勾,理货数字就不正确了。If you miss out one sling inadvertently, the tally figure will be inaccurate.

这些死亡事故中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多事故是驾驶员疏忽大意所致。Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness.

但是由于疏忽大意,考试有两个正确答案,答对其中之一便算正确。But the exam inadvertently included two right answers, only one of which was counted as correct.

牲畜场严重的疏忽大意导致他一只眼睛瞎了,头部也受到永久性的伤害。The stockyard's severe neglect left Riley blind in one eye, and with his head permanently tilted.

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私募股权投资行业通常可以容忍投资失败,但不能容忍疏忽大意。Making a failed investment is usually permissible in the PE industry. Making a negligent investment is not.

很明显是在悉尼码头装船时,因搬运疏忽大意而造成锡罐受损的。They were evidently broken through careless handling while being loaded onto the ship's hold in Sydney dock.

而要做到这些,必须态度认真,作风过细,不能疏忽大意,不能马虎潦草。To accomplish these attitudes must be serious, meticulous style, not negligence, the matter should not scribbled.

现如今,键盘发出的噼啪声似乎是一种白噪声,然而它们泄露的信息却远远超出疏忽大意的输入者的认知范围。CLATTERING keyboards may seem the white noise of the modern age, but they betray more information than unwary typists realise.

在漫长的工作过程中,梅尔多总是在想法设法改进锤子的每一个细节,绝不敢疏忽大意。During long working process, Malodor was always thinking of improving hammers' every detail, never be perfunctory about working.

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对疏忽大意过失下的预见能力宜采取客观标准为主,主观标准为辅。The ability to predict under careless negligence, should be judged mainly by objective standard with the help of subjective one.

她证实了尽管军队只招募最健康的年轻人,但每年仍有1500人死于疏忽大意、缺乏营养的食物和疾病。She showed that, though the army took only the fittest young men, every year 1, 500 were killed by neglect, poor food and disease.

也许对于行星系统究竟哪些部分对气候变化格外敏感,科学家们仍然众说纷纭,但是对发生危机的可能性却不能疏忽大意。Scientists still disagree about which planetary systems are extra-sensitive to climate shifts, but the possibility can’t be ignored.