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意识从不会同意朝九晚五,起早贪黑。Consciousness will never agree to work 9 to 5.

农民整年起早贪黑地劳动。Peasants work from dawn to dusk all the year round.

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我会想想起早贪黑和无拘无束的时光。Yeah, I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.

农民不仅更卖力气干活,而且常常起早贪黑地干也心甘。The farmer not only worked harder, but often reveled in his longer hours.

“征募”对象主要的对象主要是在中国餐馆里起早贪黑的打工族。The recruits were typically low-wage workers toiling away at Chinese restaurants.

从前有个穷樵夫,天天起早贪黑地劳作。There was once a poor woodcutter who toiled from early morning till late at night.

丈夫为了养家起早贪黑以至于没有多关心他的妻子。The husband worked day and night to support the family, but with no care of his wife.

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仔细端详了好久,心想,这是母亲多少个“起早贪黑”换来的呢?Look for a long time, thought, it is the mother of many" work from dawn to night" in return?

她每天起早贪黑,辛苦地工作,从无怨言。She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

他们忙!他们必须起早贪黑!这就是我得到的解释。They're busy! They have to be up early and they work late! Those are explanations I've been handed.

你能想象到我每天起早贪黑地工作和每天工作7个小时吗?。Can you imagine that I have to get up early as well as going to sleep very late and work for 7 hours?

我是个经理,工作常常是超负荷运转,可以说基本上每天都是起早贪黑。As an executive, my plate was filled to overflowing. I basically worked from sun up to sun down, so to speak.

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我向你们及你们的兄弟姐妹们致敬,你们每天起早贪黑地工作,明白也许当天就是你们的末日。I salute you and your brothers and sisters who get up every day and go to work knowing that it may be the last.

那一周,他每天起早贪黑地工作,就这样,他的利润很快翻了一番又一番。By the end of the week he is getting up early everyday and working into the night. He multiplies his profits quickly.

我知道你起早贪黑,我知道你竭尽全力,我知道生活有时是一种挣扎。I know you're working around the clock, I know you're doing your best, and I know that sometimes, life can be a struggle.

知县何承宗带领随从衙役每天起早贪黑到乡下察看灾情,抚慰灾民。The county magistrate He Chengzong led the entourage officer everyday to the country to inspect the disaster, comfort victims.

这项工作辛苦且枯燥,每天都要起早贪黑的工作,你感到非常疲劳,几乎半途放弃。I worked there for three months. Every day, I got up early and went to bed late to do the work well. I felt very tired and bored.

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同时,也有很多辛勤工作的人,他们起早贪黑,甚至牺牲了睡眠时间加班,只为挣那点微薄的加班费。At the same time, there are so many hard workers who work late hours and deprive themselves of sleep just to make an extra few dollars.

我现在有了目标,我得起早贪黑勤奋工作,好攒钱开始房地产投资。I now had a purpose. I came in early and worked diligently, amassing as much money as possible so I could begin investing in real estate.

他们希望看到员工们起早贪黑的工作,同时他们放假,或者在放假时与办公室联系或者发送电子邮件。They like to see employees arriving early and staying late, not taking their holidays or if they do, contacting the office or doing their e-mails while on holiday.