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期权是指购买某样东西的权利An option is the right to buy something.

实物期权具有先占性和非独占性。Real option has personal and monopolize.

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现在有许多期权交易所了But now there are many options exchanges.

赔偿包括兑现的期权。Compensation includes cashed-in share options.

股票期权属于长期激励。Stock options belong to the long-term incentive.

此时期权的卖方所承受的风险有可能是非常大的。So the risk of option's saller may be very large.

现在你知道海辉的期权激励计划是在激励谁了吧?Now all of you know who this incentive plan is for?

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购买190万股惠普股票的非限制性期权,期限为8年。Non-qualified 8-year options for 1.9 million shares.

非常有意思的是那期里没有给任何一位高管发期权。There is no share offered to executive team this time.

期权价格瞬息万变We have prices of options that change minute by minute.

买入期权收支平衡点等于执行价加上期权金。Call breakeven equals the strike price plus the premium.

科夫明白,言下之意就是他们不交易期权。Keefer knew it meant that they were not options traders.

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期权购买者的风险因其支付了期权费而被限定。To risk to option-buyers is limited to the premium theypay.

分析研究了经营者股票期权在中国实践的可行性。It studies and analyses the feasibility of the ESO in china.

期权交易类型主要有美国和欧洲两种。There are two primary exercise styles, American and European.

本文研究永久百慕大期权的定价问题。We consider pricing problem of the perpetual Bermudan option.

业余选手可以买看涨期权,并坐等自己的资金翻番。The amateur buys calls and sits back to watch his money double.

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吉隆坡期货和期权交易所的概念化?Conceptualisation of KLOFFE as an "Options and Futures Exchange".

公司通过利润共享及股票期权奖励员工。It rewards employees with profit-sharing deals and stock options.

如果你买入看跌期权,只有市场跌的足够快你才能赢。When you buy a put, you win only if the market falls fast enough.