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可能引燃通货膨胀。They might spur inflation.

他用一把干草引燃了这些木柴。He ignited the wood with a band of hay.

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约瑟夫*近一个烟花去引燃它。Joseph approached a firework to ignite it.

论坛很快被批评的帖子引燃了。The forum was soon aflame with critical posts.

有时候,一个小火花会引燃巨大能量。Sometimes, just a small spark to ignite the powder.

广泛用于大功率燃气和燃油烧嘴的引燃点火。It is widely used on ignition of high-power gasoil burner.

是在奥林匹亚用…用聚光镜聚集阳光引燃火焰。It's lighted with the sunshine through condenser in Olympia.

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我感觉到了星火。它的每一次闪耀都引燃我心中的情殇。I feel the stars. Each sparkle sets aflame the pain in my heart.

本文通过施加高压稳弧脉冲的方法成功解决了再引燃的问题。In the thesis, high-voltage pulse was to re-ignite arc successfully.

谐振电路停止工作使引燃器不能工作。Disablement of the resonant circuit can render the ignitor inoperable.

这场危机是由周五的9.0级地震及海啸引燃的。The crisis was sparked by a 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami on Friday.

欧元看跌期权的劲升引燃了振荡加剧的预期.The surge in euro puts has fueled expectations of increased volatility.

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在电流过零熄灭瞬间,叠加足够高的电压脉冲,使电弧能够立即再引燃。And also, a high voltage promotes the arc reigniting when current zero-crossing.

信号在引燃脉冲之前加到放电灯上。Application of the signal precedes application of the ignitor pulses to the lamp.

研究人员说,汽车发动机很快将由激光器来引燃,从而取代火花塞。Car engines could soon be fired by lasers instead of spark plugs, researchers say.

火舞舞者不小心引燃天花板装潢后,大火迅速蔓延。The fire spread rapidly after the fire dancer ignited the ceiling decoration by accident.

多彩的风信子,晃动着我的初恋。你晶亮的眼睛,引燃了我青春的热情。Colorful hyacinth, shaking my first love. Your bright eyes, I ignited the passion of youth.

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这两名经理所管理的两支基金在去年破产,对引燃信贷危机起到推波助澜的作用.Cioffi and Tannin oversaw two funds whose collapse last year helped kick off the credit crisis.

通常认为用以引燃的击发药是弗尔赛思发明的。The invention of percussion compositions for igniting powders is usually attributed to Forsyth.

人造石英石板材确实是不能燃烧,因为它的材质就决定不能将其引燃。Artificial quartz stone plate is not burning, because it was decided not to be the ignition material.