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雪花可有回天乏力之术?What sorcery had snow?

此外,它是一个有点乏力的实现。And again, it's kind of a weak implementation.

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患有MG的孕妇乏力感更明显。Fatigue can be more prominent in women with MG.

你的感觉是身心单薄乏力。You feel stretched thin, stressed-out, drained.

SAS为多汗,静坐不能和乏力。SAS scores are sweatiness, akathisia and fatigue.

他走了很长一段路才到山顶的,所以感到浑身乏力。It had been a long walk to the top and he was tired.

维持互信互爱关系乏力感Inability to maintain loving or trusting relationships

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恶心头痛和乏力整天折折磨着她。Queasiness , headaches and languor afflicted her all day.

困倦、乏力、面色泛黄、胃口不佳。Sleepiness, fatigue, looking yellowed, and poor appetite.

要是事实上经济增长乏力对美元的影响更大呢?What if the dollar is actually more allergic to anemic growth?

如果你被酷热的天气弄得很乏力,试着在清凉的海里游泳,这会让你充满活力。If you feel enervated by the heat, try a swim in the cool ocean.

如果你的电脑很卖力,而你却倍感乏力,那就有点讽刺意味了。How ironic that while your computer is working harder, you're not.

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心衰的症状包括气短、乏力、下肢水肿、腹水、颈静脉怒张。Symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath and tiredness.

最常见的主要症状是呼吸困难,咳嗽和乏力。The most common presenting symptoms were dyspnea, cough and fatigue.

上腹部灼痛感,乏力。食欲不振。胸闷。流涎等。Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling.

饿到浑身乏力下一顿仍然的没有着落,那是一种绝望的饥饿。Hungry to every weakness of the meal is still unfunded , it is a desperate hunger.

6月房屋开工回弹只是暂时的,预计8月时会进一步缩减.潜在基本趋势依然是下滑.楼市基本面仍然很乏力.The underlying trend is still downward. The fundamentals in housing are still poor.

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少数伴有全身症状如发热、头昏、乏力等。The few patients had constitutional symptoms, such as fever, dizziness and asthenia.

我觉得奇寒彻骨,浑身乏力,怎么也想不起一件乐事来驱散心头的阴悒。I felt cold and sick, and could not think of one happy thought to chase away my gloom.

安定药的副作用使得托米感觉眩晕,发困,全身乏力。The side effects of anti-psychotic drugs made him feel dizzy, sleepy, and unmotivated.