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白色长沙发,白色地毯,白色地砖。White couch, white carpets, white tile.

祁县哪里的地砖30左右质量可靠呢?Where Qi county field brick 30 or so mass is reliable?

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他们跑进大厅,汤姆的靴子在地砖上发出嗒嗒的响声。They ran into the hall, Tom's boots clattering on the tiles.

部分花岗岩地砖和墙砖的工程案例。Some part of project cases of granite floor tile and wall tile.

基调是一片蔚蓝,蓝色的马赛克、灰蓝色的地砖。Fundamental key is one azure , the floor tile of blue mosaic, bice.

用一块一块的地砖可以拼出自己对家庭生活的憧憬。Can spell out with a floor tile the personal longing to domesticity.

一般所说的“防滑地砖”大部分是通体砖。General had said "to prevent slippery floor tile" most is the brick.

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他推开门,然后走进了铺着黑白地砖的客厅。He pushed the door open and walked down the black-and-white-tiled hall.

而客厅卧室则应选择吸水率较高的地砖。Bedroom and the living room should be chosen higher water absorption tiles.

运用地砖处,也不见了大块拼花的装饰手法。Department of slabs, paste-up approach to the decorative pieces are missing.

一次烧地砖用无光浮凸印刷釉,可用于仿古砖。Transparent & Matt printing glaze for single fast firing in floor or wall tiles.

先将地板、水磨石、大理石、地砖等表面灰尘清扫干净。The dusts on surfaces of floors, terrazzo, marbles and floor tiles etc. are cleaned.

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产品以内外特色墒地砖为主,同时开发与生产紫砂工艺品业务。In addition, it is engaged in red ware pottery artware 's development and production.

是一家专业生产销售墙地砖的定点企业。Is a company specializing in ceramic tile production and sales of fixed-point enterprise.

地砖接缝要粗细一致,与墙砖缝对齐。The floor tile joint wants thickly thin consistent, alines with the wall brickwork joint.

适用于一。二次烧成内墙砖,地砖或仿古砖。Transparent&glossy printing glaze for single fast firing floor and wall tiles or Rustic tile.

墙砖严格讲应属于陶制品,地砖则通常是瓷制品。Wall brick is told strictly should belong to fictile , floor tile is porcelain goods normally.

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主营卫浴陶瓷系列及厨房水龙头五金,如陶瓷盆,座便器,地砖和墙砖等。We are specialized in faucets for bathroom & kitchen, Ceramic Tiles, Sanitary Ware, sinks, etc.

以接近陶瓷砖的成本生产具有微晶玻璃质量的新一代复合墙地砖是引入注目的课题。Producing glass-ceramic tiles in the cost of ceramic tiles has become one of noticeable subject.

棕红色的地砖延伸超过玻璃,以帮助房间与花园连接。The terracotta floor tiles extend out past this glazing, helping to link the room with the garden.