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但是却没有这个胆子!But have no this courage!

它们胆子也更大点。They were also more daring.

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于是我大着胆子问了个问题。It emboldened me to ask a question.

“胆子大些,”律师怂恿着,——“说出来。”Courage, urged the lawyer, -- speak out.

欧也妮大着胆子请父亲吃葡萄。Eugenie recklessly offered her father grapes.

一只大个头猎鸟犬胆子较大,猛扑了上去。A big bird dog, bolder than others, darted in.

奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp dared only make a gesture of entreaty.

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奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp durst only make a gesture of entreaty.

你这个无法无天的流氓,好大胆子,竟敢跟我说这种话。You infernal scoundrel , how dare you tell me that?

只不过加锁了,今天我借着胆子把密码给解了!Just locked, today I take bolder solutions to the password!

一定是让我陪你看,你的胆子很小的,我知道,哈哈。To watch with you ? You are so timid by nature ,I know ,Hahn.

其他人还会怨恨你,因为你有放手去做的胆子。others will resent you for having the guts to actually do something.

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如果一个人胆子不大,却想在夜里进这村子的话,那么他得拥有超人的胆略。To approach the village at night a timid man requires great strategy.

花花胆子很小。不喜欢拍照,但特喜欢让人给她挠痒痒。She is very shy. She doesn't like taking photos but likes being rubbed.

这小姑娘胆子特别小,怕人。The little girl is as timid as a hare, shy in the presence of strangers.

乔胆子小,骑术又拙,骑在鞍子上老不象样。Joe, a clumsy and timid horseman, did not look to advantage in the saddle.

实际上,她待我很好,我竟壮着胆子问了她一个问题。In fact she was so kind to me that I became brave enough to ask a question.

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你不要看她一付天不怕、地不怕的样子,其实她胆子很小的。Do not see she's not afraid anything. In fact, she can't say boo to a goose.

要是男的知道女的怎样想,他们的胆子会大上二十倍。If men knew all that women think, they'd be twenty times more daring. –A. Karr

此外,交通非常混乱,对胆子小的人来说,过马路是件危险的事情。Traffic was chaotic and road crossing was risky and not for the faint-hearted.