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亚太地区进入地震活动期,我们怎么办?。Face Period of Seismic Activites, Do What Must?

中国和美国决定了亚太地区安全局势的阴晴雨雪。CHINA and America make the weather in Asia-Pacific security.

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今天,CNNGo的城市编辑将和你分享他们眼中亚太地区最美的酒店。CNNGo’s city editors share their favorite hotels with a view.

该报告涵盖亚太地区的14个国家,包括日本。The report cover 14 countries in Asia-Pacific, including Japan.

将亚太地区的业务出售有可能改善Fly.com的前景。The sale of the APAC businesses could boost’s prospects.

我们是亚太地区最具领导性及最充足资源的律师事务所之一。We have one of the best-resourced legal practices in Asia-Pacific.

你也许会问为何亚太地区的孩子,会有更好的阅读技能。You may ask why Asian-Pacific children have better reading skills.

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在过去两年中,苏格兰皇家银行已经拓展了在亚太地区的立足点。Over the past two years RBS has expanded its Asia- Pacific footprint.

中国、美国、澳大利亚都是亚太地区重要国家。China, the US and Australia are all major countries in the Asia-Pacific.

美国和澳大利亚都是亚太地区的重要国家。Both the US and Australia are major countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

中国最近的行为扰乱了亚太地区的所有国家首府。China's recent conduct has disturbed all the capitals of the Asia-Pacific.

第三,亚太地区应该推动创新发展。Third, an Asia-Pacific region that promotes innovation-driven development.

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哈泽尔说,亚太地区必须作好准备应对新的冲击。She said the region needs to prepare for the impact of new economic shocks.

能否谈谈您所了解的亚太地区干混砂浆市场情况?Could you tell us something about the market for dry mortar in Asia Pacific?

在此之前,他完成了类似的作用,阿尔坎包装在亚太地区。Before this, he fulfilled a similar role for Alcan Packaging in Asia Pacific.

其次,我们也号召亚太地区所有员工为这些国家捐款。Secondly, we will be having a mass staff collection in the whole APAC Region.

十年内,AEA已遍布亚太地区的每一个国家。Within 10 years, AEA was present in every country in the Asia-Pacific region.

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亚太地区儿童权利国际合作高级别会议4日至6日在京召开。Rights of the Child in Asia Pacific High-level meeting from 4 to 6 in Beijing.

“亚太地区肉类产品多样化和加工技术升级”项目转变为肉类产业现代服务提供者。The APDC was transformed into a modern service provider for the meat industry.

第五,NMD不利于亚太地区的和平与安全。Fifthly, NMD is not conducive to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.