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然后转身走掉。Then turn away.

亲爱的请别转身离去。Darlin don't turn away.

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杰克转身对女族长。JAKE turns to the MATRIARCH.

再看一看转身,很不错!That's see the windup. Not bad.

不要转身朝回看。Don't turn around and look back.

我会掉过头去,转身离开。I'd turn my head , I'd back away.

我默然转身,听到了,微微的叹息声。In silence I turn, heard, a sigh.

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孩子转身跑掉了。The child turned and dashed away.

于是,那名男子失望沮丧的转身离开了。The man, frustrated, walked away.

他握了握我的手,转身走了。She shook my hand and turned away.

看你会不会转身游回来。To see if you turn round this way.

他转身面向那位接待员。He turned back to the receptionist.

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然后转身冲入雨中。Then turn round to hurtle into rain.

他突然掉转身,看着那二个人。He swung round and looked at the men.

侏儒转身,在那里站着第三个石人。The dwarf turned, and there he stood.

丹妮转身将目光投向她的城市。Dany turned to gaze out over her city.

他将我重重的撂下,转身离去。He will be my heavy down, turned away.

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我不会转身走去,而又半途转身停留Nor I half turn to go,yet turing stay.

他不用转身就能向我挥手告别。He did not have to turn around to wave.

她退向后面然后转身跑掉了。She backed off and then turned and ran.