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一念恶,天地会有狂风暴雨发生,造成灾害。A single thought of evil can cause gales, deluges, and tragic disasters.

天地会与林爽文起义之间没有直接的因果关系。There was no cause and effect between the Heaven and Earth Society and the Lin Shuangwen Uprising.

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青木堂是后五堂之长,在天地会十堂之中,排列第六。As first of the Five Rear Lodges , Green Wood Lodge ranked sixth among the ten Lodges of the Society.

原来来人正是智释的多年好友,天地会总舵主陈近南。It is wise to original interpretation for many years of good friend, heaven and earth will ZongDuo ChenJinNa Lord.

这一结论被一些学者认为是天地会起源研究的“重大突破”。Some scholars believe this find was a "major breakthrough" in the research on origins of the Heaven and Earth Society.

京城王府,手下冰王向皇叔报告,已探到了那些天地会遗孤的消息。City palace, under the ice to king royal uncle report, has explored a fallen maoist fighters who will the news of the world.

虽然她不知道他们跟天地会有关,只以为老班主是为将来的生计担忧。Although she didn t know they will be relevant to heaven and earth, just think old class Lord for future livelihood is worried.

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但其实他只是阳奉阴违,一别过绣云,邵扬又玩假扮天地会中人的游戏。But in fact hes just itself, a dont cross embroider cloud, ShaoYang and playing disguised as heaven and earth will of human game.

白鹤龄表面上是严厉,其实他一直希望有朝一日,能把众小孩交回其天地会众当家父母身边。BaiHeLing surface is tough, but he always hope that one day, the child can return its heaven and earth the congregation parents side.

于是,警方的人找到了阿莱克斯,让他做警方的线人,打入天地会内部,获取他们的犯罪证据。Hence, the police had found the alex, let him do the police informant, into heaven and earth will get their internal, crime evidence.

天地会的产生与发展是清代中后期社会经济变迁的结果。The emergence and development of Tiandihui in Qing Dynasty was the result of the social and economic changes in the nineteen century.

铁彪以为邵扬就是天地会中人,大喜过望,决意与邵扬混熟,看看可否由邵扬身上找到要找的人。Puma ShaoYang is iron that heaven and earth will middleman, overjoyed, determined and ShaoYang mix, look at ShaoYang can find them by looking for.

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铁彪在义父生忌之日暗中拜祭,并表明会尽一切可能,把玉瓶交到天地会。Puma YiFu iron in birthday the day of worship offering in secret, and show that would do everything possible, the bottle will make heaven and earth.

现在他已是皇叔默认的私生子,他还能回到护送天地会遗孤的绣云身边吗?Now he has is the royal uncle default illegitimate child, he can return to escort the embroider cloud will heaven and earth fallen maoist fighters side?

宝爷爷、贝婆婆外出找救兵,历尽艰辛,终联络到天地会以前的旧相识吴雄。Treasure grandpa, the mother-in-law go out looking for reinforcements, through hardships, contact to heaven and earth will end the old WuXiong met before.

天地会中人把陈近南及其它遇难兄弟火化,但感壮志未酬身先死,纵使英雄也是落泪满襟。Heaven and earth will be the ChenJinNa and other people were killed brother cremation, but are therefore body first death, even if the hero is also tears full jin.

这三个基础相互依存,相互作用,共同构成清前期广东天地会的合法性基础。These three foundations are interdependent and interactive, jointly constituting the legitimacy foundation of Guangdong Heaven and Earth Society in early Qing Dynasty.

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玉瓶在紫麟手中始终是皇叔心腹大患,他派所有手下寻找紫麟下落,而天地会一众亦在暗中窥探,伺机而动。The bottle is always in the purple heart royal uncle Charlie hand a great evil, he sent for all the falling under the vocalist, and heaven and earth will also in the spy on, waiting.

二老认为是终生大憾,心中仍然对天地会有深深的情意结,多年来贝婆婆常常对丈夫不断的埋怨。That is a lifelong spend big telephone, in the heart still to heaven, earth and will have a deep feeling knot, for many years the mother-in-law often complain constantly to her husband.

铁彪觉得他们可能也与天地会中人有关,他想向邵扬查询,却遇上绣云找邵扬回来,把他拉到一旁责骂。Iron young tiger think they would also the heaven and earth and people will be relevant, he wanted to ShaoYang inquires to, but with a cloud ShaoYang find back, pulled him aside to scold.