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我的手眼协调能力是零。My hand-eye coordination is zero.

呼,手眼协调好累喔!Whoa, hand-eye coordination is real tiring!

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需要良好的手眼协调能力。You need good hand-eye coordination to play tennis.

玩电脑游戏需要有好的手眼协调。You need to have good hand-eye coordination to play computer games.

要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practise throwing and catching balls.

培养和提高您的视觉感知的技能和手眼协调。Train and improve your visual perception skills and hand-eye coordination.

箭术一直被认为能发展手眼协调能力和平衡力。It has been claimed that archery develops hand-eye coordination and balance.

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提出了一种适于机器人手眼系统进行双目测距的简单的测量标定方法。The eye-in-hand vision system is an important type of robotic vision system.

发展之路——一本娱乐性手眼协调能力技能惹人喜爱的小孩。An entertaining way to develop hand-eye coordination skill for fun-loving kids.

手眼协调性增强,脑细胞的树突状连接,胶质细胞增加。Hand Eye Coordination, Increases dendritic brain cell connections, Glial cells.

研究人员称,玩电子游戏可以提高医生的手眼协调能力,并增加手指的灵活度。Researchers said playing video games can improve doctors' hand-eye coordination and agility.

绘图专业学习提高绘图技术,练习手眼协调和透视法。Drawing majors improve their drawing skills, practicing hand-eye coordination and perspective.

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所以才有了几千年的卑劣手眼和卫道士和形形色色所说的的高人们。So there are thousands of years of GuiYu ick and old guard and the so-called mixed high people.

波特尔菲德对膜片钳技术的评价是“它需要许多技巧与很高的手眼协调能力。”"It requires a lot of know-how and hand-eye coordination, " Porterfield said of patch clamping.

摄像机和机器人手眼标定是视觉机器人应用中的重要问题。The camera and hand-eye calibrations are two important elements in the applications of vision robot.

“手眼通天的掠夺者”—“邪恶力量”—“老海盗”—“蹩脚的冒牌货,就像他的报纸一样蹩脚”。"A very able buccaneer"--"a sinister force"--"an old pirate"--"schlock, just like his papers are schlock. "

T33的遥控器对国小智障儿童「手眼协调」训练有正面作用。The remote controllers of T33 had showed significant positive impact on the students' hand-eye coordination.

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在手眼系统中,摄像机平移是比较容易实现和经常需要的一种运动。In the eye-in-hand systems, camera translation can be easily realized and it is a movement needed very often.

文章研究了一种基于投影标靶的手眼相机线性标定方法。A linear calibration method of the hand-eye camera is proposed according to the projective calibration targets.

手眼标定是机器人领域常用的一种确定机器人末端坐标系和摄像机坐标系之间相互关系的标定方法。The hand-eye calibration is a method for tracker alignment that is used a lot in the research field of robotics.