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不管是一飞冲天还是跌入谷底,至少,你尝试过!Whether you fail or fly, at least you tried.

超级英雄电影照理来说应该一飞冲天,但是其中的大部分却一瘸一拐。Superhero movies are supposed to soar but most of these limp.

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幸亏它遇到了爱德华,把它引向了更高的地方,终于它一飞冲天。It has run into Edward luckily, coursed a higher place it, it soars finally.

我去年参加了一个销售策略的课程,我今年的销售成绩就一飞冲天了!I took a sales tactics course last year, and my sales have skyrocketed this year!

他向杜夫拉明高出击,但是杜夫拉明高轻易地躲开了,一飞冲天。He attacks DoFlamingo, but DoFlamingo casually dodges it, and flies up in the sky.

开伯顿称“期权市场显示通货膨胀的不确定因素已经一飞冲天”。"The options market tells us that inflation uncertainty has rocketed, " says Mr Capleton.

姚明左脚大脚指在二00五年十二月时动了手术,所以错失了二十一场比赛,之后姚明在场上表现就一飞冲天。After missing 21 games because of a December 2005 surgery on his left great toe, Yao's game has soared.

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移入伊斯法罕的人数众多,土地的价格一飞冲天。能迅速获利的就属建筑业。Migration into Isfahan is high and land prices are sky rocketing. Fast profits can be made in construction.

威士忌逐渐走红,但亚洲对威士忌的需求没有出现像葡萄酒价格那样一飞冲天的局面,市场份额在全球所占的比例依然太小。Despite the hype, overall Asian whisky demand hasn't yet sky-rocketed like wine and remains a much smaller market.

蓝鹰现在一飞冲天,因为他们和联赛冠军的竞争对手国米并列联赛积分榜首。The Aquilotti are flying sky high as they sit comfortably at the top of the Serie A table with Scudetto rivals Inter.

2006年可萨克的一个大学导师建议他将配送业务外包出去——这使他的生意一飞冲天。It was a college mentor who encouraged Kossack to outsource his distribution in 2006--which helped his business skyrocket.

本周,在普通民众的紧张关注中,在他们对发射后不久是否会坠毁的担心中,中国的“嫦娥一号”一飞冲天。Chinese vessel this week soared skywards amid nervousness from ordinary folk that it could soon come crashing down to earth.

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雄鹰不飞则已,一飞冲天,是雄鸡就要报晓,是雄鹰则应生活在蓝天。Eagles never fly but roar to the sky. As a cock, you should herald the dawn , as an eagle, you should hover in the blue sky.

她出现在一个叫根鸟少年的梦里,根鸟出发了,一飞冲天,去寻找属于自己的梦。She appeared in a juvenile bird called the root of the dream, the root birds start, and a soaring, to find their own dreams.

近年来,茶叶拍卖可谓一飞冲天,一个个天价使得茶叶也成为了收藏投资市场的一员。In recent years, tea auction it may be said flies towering, each day price makes tea also became a when collect investment market.

随着特里以头球把波尔的传中球解围,巴顿作出球赛第一次打门。于禁区边缘第一时间抽射,一飞冲天。Shot Barton has the first pop of the game after Terry heads clear Ball's cross. First time from the edge of the area, he balloons it over.

一见报,公司的股价立刻一飞冲天,世界富豪的名单又将重新洗牌。Following this announcement, the company's share price soared to the stratosphere. The richest people in the world will have to be re-ranked now.

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若他们等得太久,通胀就可能一飞冲天,或者再次出现资产泡沫.而如果他们撤得太快,又可能损害到萌芽中的经济复苏.If they wait too long, they risk sky-high inflation or another asset bubble. If they move too fast, they risk undermining any incipient economic recovery.

他那具有冒险精神的诗歌,“抛开了中途的旅程,要一飞冲天越过爱奥尼神山,同时追寻使用在未经使用的韵律“His adventurous song is one that "with no middle flight intends to soar above th' Aonian Mount, while it pursues things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhyme."

我认为金价并不会一飞冲天,应会慢慢爬升.但这对我们南非的黄金生产商而言则有点甜中带苦了,因我们的金价多是兰特计价.这将会是很大的不同.It's a little bitter-sweet for us South African gold producers, because what affects us most is the rand gold price. This is what would make a big difference.