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我们推举他为我班班长。We elected him monitor of our class.

好的相貌就是一封推举的介绍信。Agood face is a letter of recommendation.

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大家都推举他当代表。We all voted for him as our representative.

正是这部执法答应全部成年女子拥有推举权并担当公职。It allowed all adult men to vote and hold office.

一些车站的工作人员正在推举着乘客,协助他们上车。Some staffers were pushing the passengers to help them get in.

即使联合在一起,这些政党只能推举部分候选人。These parties together can only field a fraction of candidates.

我友人向我推举南丰工业中央,这大厦怎么样呢?My friend recommended to me the Nan Fung Industrial Center. How is it?

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他们需要时间让人们进行推举,也需要时间收集他们。They need time for people to make referrals, and time to collect them.

每个组推举出候选人参加总统和副总统竞选。Each group selected candidates to run for president and vice-president.

次年,民主党人在同一家酒吧开会推举候选人。The next year, the Democrats met in the same saloon to select their nominees.

假如没有路由器声明自己是DR,那么最新被推举出来的BDR会成为DR。If no router has declared itself the DR, the newly elected BDR will become the DR.

领导人金正日被认为将推举他的儿子金正恩作为他的继任者。Leader Kim Jong Il is believed to grooming his son, Kim Jong Un, as his successor.

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当推举可某人使得社区更好时候,我认为营销是有魔力的。Marketing is magic when it elects someone who changes the community for the better.

全县没有比他更好的人了,要不军营里怎么会推举他当尉官呢?There ain’t a better man in this County, or why else did the Troop elect him lieutenant ?

因此,我们诚挚邀请乐生院推举出一个居民参与这个论坛。We would like to invite you to select a resident of Lo Sheng to participate on this panel.

总统推举的财政部长人选蒂莫西。盖特纳也因为纳税问题而遭到责问。Tax problems plagued Timothy Geitner, the president's choice to head the Treasury Department.

唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。In the era of Tang Xuanzong a boy named Liu An was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven.

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董事会被推举认证的仅仅是在自愿基础上的III级人员。The Board of Directors of ASNT voted certifying only Level III personnel on a voluntary basis.

整个野人山的土匪,包括三当家,一致推举赵大为新的大当家。The savage mountain bandits, including three masters, consistent ZhaoDaWei are big new masters.

唐玄宗时,有一个名叫刘晏的小孩子,才只有七岁,就被推举为神童,并且做了负责刊正文字的官。In the era of Tang Xuanzong, a boy named Liu Yan, was promoted to be an imperial censor at seven.