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可是,"你为何无法释怀"But, "why don't you get over this?"

当他释怀的时候,他的胃轻摇一打嗝。His stomach jiggled as he let off a belch.

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我任由那书本掉落在一块石头后面,很释怀。Relieved, I let the book fall behind a stone.

我才破涕为笑,稍感释怀的。I just smile through tears, slightly feeling go.

我们能做的恐怕只有释怀。I'm afraid sth have been primitively programmed.

吥知茹何释怀此时此刻旳惢情。Shihuai At this moment I do not know how to feel.

海外的游子们无一日能释怀恋乡之情。Overseas travellers miss their hometown every day.

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认识到这一点是第一步,学会释怀就是第二步。Seeing this is the first step. Letting go comes next.

再一次,神告诉我们,不必因罪而难以释怀。Again, God is telling us that we need not keep our guilt.

文人情结,使曹丕一生难以释怀。Literati complex was what that Cao Pi was always cheasing.

这种饮食看起来对我的限制太多了——即使充满热情,还是无法释怀。The diet seemed too restrictive to me — even fanatically so.

你释怀吧,我今后决不会再登你家的门了。You can be assured that I will never darken your door again.

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然而,这两部影片都饱含着巨大的冲击力,以及令人无法释怀的寒意。But both films have a startling impact and a lingering chill.

我爸现在很气,不过他一、两天就会释怀的。My father's angry now, but he'll get over it in a day or two.

你们尽可释怀,我们会按时交货的。You may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered.

爱莉丝获得升迁而我没有,这件事我就是无法释怀。I can't get over the fact that Alice was promoted, and I wasn't.

我知道释怀需要时间,我想微寒便是我想要的结果。I know I'm not tired, I also know I decadent is she wanted results.

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这个决定必须是发自内心的,是你的心、你的灵魂想要释怀。You must really want to forgive that person from your heart and soul.

对不起,有时候会是我们最难说出口的,一旦说出来一切都释怀了。Sorry is sometimes the hardest word to say, but once said it is liberating.

你可以释怀了,我想你也许还会有些许歉疚You can be relieved of that debt, or now you know you feel bad now, I guess.