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让我在能幻想的时候尽情幻想吧。Let me fancy while I may.

请尽情的哭吧。Bye bye fatboy please cry.

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人生是首歌----尽情歌唱吧!Life is a song----sing it.

生命暂短,尽情享受吧!Life is short, enjoy it! !

你可以尽情的去想象。Well, you can stop imagining.

让我们在这游戏中尽情冲刺!I'm just drivin' on the game !

看,美吧,我好想飞呀!那就让我们尽情的飞吧!Let me fly! Fly up in the sky!

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我愿你在雨后水塘里尽情欢跳。I hope you jump in rain puddles.

今晚的你心请为我尽情歌唱。Let your heart sing and tonight.

现在,尊敬的先生,我们尽情享受吧。And now esteemed effendi we feast.

现在精神可以放松了,尽情宣泄了。Now there is relief and catharsis.

尽情享受简简单单的乐趣。Savor the joy of simple pleasures.

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在这个特殊的11.11,将它们尽情释放出来吧!Let them out on this special 11.11!

要是想像尽情吃个饱会怎样?What if you mentally ate your fill?

你可尽情利用这些资源。No limits on how much you needed it.

Me们听见夜莺正在尽情地歌唱。We hear the nightingale at his best.

愿你们里尽情欢乐,自由展现。Wish you joy, freedom day here show.

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尽情地吃吧,孩子,我不会阻拦你的。Eat away,my child, I'll not stop you.

他进了蟠桃园尽情的吃桃子,他把天宫的房子都弄得乱七八糟。He makes a mess in each room in heaven.

我闭上眼睛尽情享受音乐。I close my eyes to groove on the music.