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双边会谈恐将经年累月。Bilateral talks can be dragged out.

由于经年累月的负重,他那皱巴巴的身子被压得弯弯的。His crumpling body was bent low from years of carrying heavy loads.

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化石。这表明大量的鱼龙经年累月重复使用一个特定的地点。Site was used by large numbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time.

投资者能经年累月地击败市场,纯粹是运气使然。Investors who seem to beat the market year after year are just lucky.

在更常见的情况下,肝脏是经年累月慢慢发生衰竭的。More commonly, liver failure develops slowly over the course of years.

奋力拆除的天花板,倾泄而下的是经年累月的尘土。As the old ceiling is ripped out, decades of accumulated dust and dirt falls down.

我们自经年累月的谈判中获取了许多经验,也学得了教训。We have gained a lot of experience and learned lessons from the years of negotiations.

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没有任何的灵药妙方、祷告或理论能立即修复经年累月所造成的损坏。There is no pill, prayer, or principle that will instantly undo the damage of many years.

总之你一定会吓一跳。当你发现地毯上经年累月地积下了这么多东西。You'll be surprised to see what can collect in a mattress over the months, over the years.

这是一个非常深奥的问题,就连伟大的哲学家们也经年累月地为此奋斗。That is a very deep question, one which the great philosophers have struggled with for years.

我之前没有把那些东西看作是传统,但经年累月,它们确实成了传统。I hadn’t thought of those things as traditions but through the years they have become just that.

现在军队就要撤出伊拉克了,却不想让这经年累月磨练出来的城市战斗能力随之废掉。Now that the Army is getting out of Iraq, it wants to make sure its urban combat skills don’t wither away.

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在冰族和火族经年累月的争斗中,两兄弟戏剧般的人生也就此展开。The drama of their lives unfolds against the backdrop of an everlasting feud, between the Ice Tribe and the Fire Tribe.

就说马拉松吧,哪个正常人会花上每天数小时,一周数次的时间经年累月的训练呢?Take marathon running. Who in their right mind would train for hours at a time, several times a week, for months on end?

经年累月高强度的耐力训练,可能会损害心脏,这并非一个新话题。The question of whether years of intense endurance training might, just possibly, be harmful to the heart is hardly new.

特别像某些事,例如保持抬头的姿势,如果你经年累月的习惯了盯着自己的脚,那么纠正起来会需要很多时间。Especially things like keeping you head up might take time to correct if you have spent thousands of days looking at your feet.

特别是帮助音乐家们清理在菸雾弥漫的酒馆内,经年累月累积于他们传统乐器上的灰尘。Specifically it has helped musicians clean up their traditional instruments, clogged up with years of dirt in smoke-filled pubs.

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在氟骨症的情况下,由于氟经年累月在骨骼中逐渐积存,导致关节僵硬和疼痛。In skeletal fluorosis, fluoride accumulates in the bone progressively over many years, leading to stiffness and pain in the joints.

他看得出她已经耐心了一辈子,经年累月,所以现在她的唇角透露出温柔和圣洁的笑意。He could see that she had been patient all her life, so that now, after years of it, her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.

在经受了经年累月的对身体有所损伤的治疗后,抽搐、刺痛、甚至钻心的疼痛却往往伴随终生——或者困扰你几天,或者困扰你几个月甚至数年。Long after physical damage heals, a throbbing, tingling, shooting pain can linger—sometimes constantly, for days, months, even years.