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厨房里整一烂摊子。The kitchen was an awful mess.

谁是这个烂摊子的始作俑者?Who is to blame for this mess?

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我们如何走出这片烂摊子?How do we get out of this mess?

哦,可怜的乔治·布什,处理着一些没有脑子的生物留下的烂摊子,嗯,现在他知道奥巴马是什么感受了。Well, now he knows how Obama feels." --Bill Maher

因为我们把烂摊子拉长了,because we're prolonging basically a train wreck,

我不知道该如何收拾这个烂摊子。E. g. I don't know how to straighten the mess out.

我们现在的工作就是要把我们上一季留下的烂摊子清理干净。We’re working right now on untangling the mess we left.

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我把这个烂摊子给你了,因为我不想错过舞会。I'll leave this to you. Cauze I don't want to miss the party.

他们正在实践的自我放纵,跟当初使我们陷入这个烂摊子的自我放纵一模一样。They are practicing the same self-indulgence that got us into this mess.

因此,这就是我们如何进入这个烂摊子,而我们仍旧在寻找出路。So that’s how we got into this mess. And we’re still looking for the way out.

就是社保和医保赤字的烂摊子。a financial train wreck between the deficit social security and medical care.

在动物庇护所工作听起来挺有趣,不过你能收拾狗狗的烂摊子么?Helping out at an animal shelter sounds fun, but would you clean up after a dog?

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我们必须收拾他们的烂摊子,还要装着他们没有错的样子,心甘情愿地做这些。We must pick up the pieces when matters unravel and pretend it is not their fault.

即使是最善意的政变也只是留下一个烂摊子,就像现在泰国所面临的。Even the best-intentioned coups leave an ugly mess, such as that now facing Thailand.

但是,收烂摊子的政治和财务风险,似乎连秃鹰也望之却步。Yet even for the vultures , the risks – political as well as financial – seem daunting.

普遍的态度似乎是,由于是美国最先惹了麻烦,所以这堆烂摊子也得由美国来收拾。The attitude, it appears, is that the US caused the problem and it is up to them to fix it.

1949年革命取得胜利,但是,当时摆在我们面前的是一个百废待兴的烂摊子。After the victory in 1949, we faced a situation that full- scale construction was under way.

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第一件,如果你的屋子是一个烂摊子,你可以像我一样在隧道的终点找到光明。One, that if your house is a mess you can find the light at the end of the tunnel like I did.

当米哈伊。戈尔巴乔夫成为苏联的领导人时,他被经济的烂摊子震惊了。When Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union, he was appalled by the economic decay.

以一种父爱般仁慈的姿态向LJ保证,他会非常高兴来清理LJ造成的这个烂摊子。In a very paternal manner, he promises LJ that he will gladly clean up this mess that LJ has made.