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而在电影行业,工作已经进行得热火朝天了。Thus, in the movie world the work is humming already.

开沙龙,搞讲座,征文比赛,热火朝天过一阵子。Open Salon, engage in lectures, essay contest, be in full swing for a while.

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迪拜曾经是世界上房地产开发最热火朝天的城市,现在却是地产价格跌幅最大的地方,房地产商莱坊今天公布的数据显示。property slump, according to figures published today by estate agent Knight Frank.

自然地,在WWDC开幕以来,社交网络上有关苹果iCloud的争论一直就被吵得热火朝天。Naturally, there have been heated debates about Apple iCloud in social media since WWDC.

最近,在市政厅周围的253个帐篷中,示威运动热火朝天。There's a boiling point and currently it's expressed in the 253 tents surrounding City Hall.

天气虽然很冷,但是一点都没有影响同学们热火朝天的气氛。In contrast to the cold weather on the day, the students generated a scotching hot atmosphere.

而在隔壁由欧洲数字文人论坛DLD举办的酒会则是热火朝天,人满为患。Next door, the nightcap staged by DLD, the European forum for digerati, was packed and rocking.

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另外,由于立面的框架形成了遮阳,就算是热火朝天的夏天也能得到保护。As well, the frames of the facade form shading hence protecting from overheating in hot summer days.

西班牙房价的再度下滑表明该国一度热火朝天的地产领域仍在苦苦挣扎。Another drop in Spanish house prices showed that Spain's once-booming property sector is still struggling.

去年十二月某周日下午,安·萨顿愉快地看着孩子们,在厨房里为节日大餐忙得热火朝天。One Sunday afternoon last December, Ann Sutton happily watched over a holiday cooking spree in her kitchen.

路上碰见了个朋友,一起吃了顿饭,到家时,Twitter上的讨论已经热火朝天了。By the time I got home, after stopping off for a meal with friends, the Twittersphere had gone into meltdown.

近年来我国的建筑行业发展势头迅猛,各地的土建工程热火朝天。In recent years China's construction industry are showing strong growth in full swing around the civil works.

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热火朝天的交谈,博硕光电助力中东光伏能源发展!Conversation in full swing, Boostsolar help companies build up photovoltaic energy development in Middle East!

春节期间拥政爱民的活动搞得热火朝天。During the Spring Festival, activities of supporting the government and cherishing the people were in full swing.

高兴之余,中国网民正为一项新税法对欲喜结连理的新人带来影响争论得热火朝天。Rather than rejoice, Chinese netizens are howling about new tax regulations that impact couples seeking to marry.

下午很晚了,但栅栏里面的小小区域里孩子们玩得热火朝天。It was already late in the afternoon, but the small fenced-in area was full of the children’s high-pitched activity.

也就是在这寸土寸金的院里,几处住宅工地正热火朝天。Right there, the courtyard dubbed the golden district now became a bustling construction site for apartment building.

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第二天早上你的西装就会被热火朝天的生产线做好并在早上8点送到酒店试穿。Your suit will be furiously churned out by the next morning and delivered to your hotel as early as 8am for a fitting.

“我也一窍不通”我说。之后两人大笑不已,我们装做很懂的样子聊得热火朝天而实际上两人都不知道自己在说什么。"I haen't a clue, " I said. We laughed at the idea that we had been speaking as if we knew what we were talking about.

“我也一窍不通”我说。之后两人大笑不已,我们装做很懂的样子聊得热火朝天而实际上两人都不知道自己在说什么。"I haven't a clue, " I said. We laughed at the idea that we had been speaking as if we knew what we were talking about.