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使用倒装图表或白纸板.Use a flip chart or white board

倒装句虽然他很年轻,但他知道得很多。Young as he is , he knows a lot.

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这就是你所说的倒装。This, as you say, is the inversion rule.

用正常语序改写下列倒装句。Rewrite the inverted sentences using normal word order.

本文以认知理论为基础,对英语倒装句进行分析研究。This thesis focuses on genre analysis of English resumes.

预表语问题长期,经常倒装自然融合。Pre-predicative subject long, often flip natural convergence.

是专门为倒装芯片和邦定结合开发的产品。BP303is a product developed for the flip chip and FOB bonding.

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以往的倒装句研究是在句法平面内进行的。Previous research on inversion has been done at the syntactic level.

最后根据倒装句很多种不同的使用情况进行了分析。Finally, according to a variety of inversion is the use of an analysis.

聚丙烯上限是一个倒装的顶部和可以公开在一个简单的议案。The polypropylene cap is a flip-top and can be open in one easy motion.

英语倒装句作为一种特殊的语序结构,有其特有的语义。As a marked word order structure, inversion has its own special meaning.

倒装句是英语中一种常见的语言现象。Inversion is a very common linguistic phenomenon in the English language.

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在种族,倒装以上的印度豹比它推到车库。During the race, flip over one of the cheetahs than push it to your garage.

不用任何助溶剂金锡倒装晶片连接点可在300-400℃时形成。The Au–Sn flip-chip joints were formed at 300 and 400 ℃ without using any flux.

凸点芯片倒装焊接是一种具有发展潜力的芯片互连工艺技术。Flip-chip bonding technology is a potential process in the electronic packaging.

通过正确的底部填充,可提高倒装芯片组装的成品率和可靠性。T hen show that correct underfill can dramatically increase thermal reliability.

沈阳到处都有那种倒装的三轮车。我想要一个,可以在淘宝上买到吗?Backwards bikes are everywhere in Shenyang. I want one. Can you get one on Taobao?

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通过对芯片进行背面减薄和倒装连接,可以实现有源芯片的埋嵌。The embedded active chip also can be realized by backside thinning and flip chip bonding.

我认为西汉姆会为保级挣扎,同样的还有维根和朴茨茅斯,但桑德兰会保级的。至于倒装,那是必须的。I think West Ham will struggle, as will Wigan and Portsmouth, but Sunderland will survive.

古盘“和”盘古,是中国文字中常用的倒装词汇之一。Ancient site" and "Pangea is the Chinese characters commonly used in one of flip-vocabulary.