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万一你真说对了怎么办?What if you're right?

万一你失败了。If peradventure you fail.

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万一我有天需要它怎么办?What if I need it one day?

注意听着万一他打电话来。Listen out in case he calls.

万一割破了手怎么办呀!What if he has his hand cut?

带两支笔以备万一。Bring two pens——just in case.

万一发生火灾,请按铃。In case of fire ring the bell.

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万一司机是个绑匪怎么办?What if the driver was a kidnapper?

万一发生交通事故,请拨122。In case of a road accident, call 122.

万一孩子跑了出去,或者他又进到我家来呢?What if a kid gets out or he gets in?

万一发生了火灾,打开这扇安全门。Incase of fire, open this safety door.

万一还会把我们的旧欢泄漏。And haply of our old acquaintance tell.

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我攒下这些钱以备万一需要。I save this money in the event of need.

万一马拉放火烧了房子。Just in case Marla burns the house down.

万一我没有美好记忆怎么办?What if I don't have wonderful memories?

如果万一你想做一个告密者。And In case you were wondering, you narc.

万一吞下请立即送院就医。If swallowed immediately sent to hospital.

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万一你以为他是善人,那你就大谬不然了。If you think he is a good man, think again.

万一散团的话谁拥有团名的使用权?Who owns the group name in case of dispute?

万一这孩子出了差错怎么办?What if anything should happen to the child?