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她离开宴席了!She is leaving the table!

哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

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那个备办宴席者供给食物与招待。That caterer furnishes both food and maids.

是的,我们还有一间雅座可以安排宴席。Yes, we still have a private room for banquets.

做一桌波里尼西亚宴席或古罗马盛宴。Cook a Polynesian feast or an ancient Roman banquet.

我明天晚上一定会去你的生辰宴席。I'm bound to come your birthday party tomorrow night.

奇怪,塔塔伊为什么要费事给我摆宴席?I wonder why Tatai bothered to set such a feast for me?

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她为何不按我的命令,回到宴席上来?Why did she not return to the banquet as I commanded her?

众武士从宴席上起立,举杯祝国王健康。The knights rose from the banquet table to pledge the king.

最后,他俩又饱饱地喝了一通凉水,结束了这顿“宴席”。There was abundance of cold water to finish the feast with.

哈丽特姑妈年轻时,喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。Before she grew old Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

十分感谢为我们准备这么丰盛的宴席。Thank you for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for us.

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但在晚宴席上,人们宁愿做一只蚊子也不愿沉默寡言。But at a dinner-party one would rather be a mosquito than a mute.

这天早晨,为了欢送我们,连队大排宴席。That morning, the company arranged a great banquet to send us off.

Ellen的家人又是怎么看待这场非传统的宴席的呢?So what did Ellen's family think of this untraditional celebration?

宝少不满怒气冲冲,宴席二人更比并烧银纸。Treasure discontent less angry, dinner more than with silver paper.

中国的宴席中一般都有敬酒的习俗。Most Chinese people have the tradition of making toasts at banquets.

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想象一下,准备一个宴席比准备一个点心派对容易多了。Imagine how much easier a dessert party could be than a dinner party.

第三章阐述了西北回族宴席曲流变的历史文化背景。Chapter Three is a retrospect of the historical backdrop of the changes.

本饮食中心的二楼是中华乐舞与宫庭宴席。The famous roast Beijing duck is on the third floor in this Food Center.