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他是一个世家子弟。Heis a man of family.

我们是工农的子弟。We are sons of workers and peasants.

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他颇以自己是世家子弟为荣耀。He takes great pride in his ancestry.

一个仙女爱上了一个农家子弟。A fairy lady fell in love with a peasant boy.

阿西尼奥被人们认为是一个执终子弟。Arsenio has a reputation for being a man about town.

贵族子弟由私人教师来教授。Children of the aristocracy were taught by private mentors.

贵子弟将为第一批修讀新高中课程之学生。Your child will be the first batch to take the NSS courses.

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“去民工子弟小学支教”用英文怎么说?Go to migrant children in primary schools to teach children.

所以他们宁可把孩子送到只招收民工子弟的穷学校。So they prefer poor schools exclusively for the migrants’ children.

尤其是农村子弟,你爹妈是怎么教你的?Especially rural families, how is your mother and father taught you?

至于我的过去,我长大的农家子弟,牛仔,运动员,和运动员。As for my past, I grew up a farm boy, cowboy, athlete, and sportsman.

内容仍是对“富家子弟”的愤怒指责和辱骂。It also contained obscenities and angry denunciations of "rich kids."

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伊顿公学是一所只有上流社会的子弟才上得起的学校。Eton is a school that only the children of the upper crust can afford.

从呱呱落地起,我就注定成了农家的子弟。I was doomed to be a child of poor farming family the minute I was born.

秋瑾被父母逼迫嫁给了一个比自己年长许多的富家子弟。Qiu Jin was forced by her parents to marry an older man of a rich family.

我若靠着别西卜赶鬼,你们的子弟赶鬼,又靠着谁呢。And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out?

这是明清侨寓徽商子弟教育问题解决的四个主要途径。The above four points are main ways to their offsprings'education problems.

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如果有来生,李煜是想做个平凡子弟吧!If there is afterlife, Li Yu is the children wanted to be an extraordinary !

未来属于花花公子,而正是这些纨裤子弟将执掌权柄。The future belongs to the dandy. It is the exquisites who are going to rule.

我若靠着别西卜赶鬼,你们的子弟赶鬼,又靠着谁呢。And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out?