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他仍在稀里糊涂地干。He's still muddling on.

当然,稀里糊涂就上去了。Of course, muddleheaded go up.

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考完试后,我真的感到稀里糊涂。I was really in a fog after the exam.

三瓶啤酒下肚,我就稀里糊涂了。After three bottles of beer I am properly off my onion.

稀里糊涂的安装也叫安装使用用户?Muddleheaded installation also called installation using user?

最后,稀里糊涂,判了个拐带妇女罪!Finally, sleepwalk, sentenced to a crime of abduction of women!

稀里糊涂的去了一家餐厅做了几年服务员。Muddleheaded went to a restaurant for a few years and attendant.

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人们只是乱说一气,我们给搞得稀里糊涂。People just spoke indiscreetly and we were completely flummoxed.

中间的则是许多稀里糊涂的灵魂,我们叫他们“骑墙者”。In the middle are many confused souls, lets call them fence sitters.

那天早晨她醉得稀里糊涂地对我说,前一天她痛饮了一宵。She sottishly told me,in that morning, that she swilled in the night before.

所以在那些日子里,很多时候我是被包裹在稀里糊涂的蚕茧中。So much of my time these days is spent wrapped inside a cocoon of non-understanding.

很多女人,第一次稀里糊涂的,并不明白自己想要什么?Many women, the first time muddleheaded, did not understand that what oneself does want?

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至于打人的是谁,他说“稀里糊涂的,也不清楚怎么就打起来了”。" The beatings of who he is, he said, " muddleheaded , and it was not clear how soon up.

小学那阵儿,稀里糊涂地在一次作文里将“熊猫”误写成“能猫”。"Neng Mao"was one tiny misspelling of Panda in Chinese, which I made in elementary school.

不过,那时的薛佳凝还有点稀里糊涂,特别不喜欢演话剧。However, there are points when the Xuejianing muddleheaded , especially do not like my drama.

病房里,尤斌忍不住感叹两个人稀里糊涂结婚的事,觉得很有意思。Ward, YouBin could not help but sigh muddleheaded marriage two people, feel very interesting.

然而美国和俄国已不再是敌手,它们似乎正稀里糊涂地奔向未来。Yet the United States and Russia,no longer adversaries, seem to be sleepwalking toward the future.

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在我繁忙时,甚至把来自朋友的空洞无物的电子邮件都忽略掉,尽管我寄给了朋友们许多稀里糊涂的电子邮件!Even inane emails from friends get ignored when I'm busy, even though I send friends lots of silly emails!

我理该再打德律风已往核实一下,我却稀里糊涂地没有那么做。I ought to call the company again to sort this out once and for all, but somehow I don't get around to it.

那是一桩漫无头绪的案件。人们只是乱说一气,我们给搞得稀里糊涂。The was an intricate case without a clue. People just spoke indiscreetly and we were completely flummoxed.