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我的想象力还不够天马行空。just being creative enough in my imagination.

这个一度天马行空的幻想已然成为事实。What was once wild fantasy had become reality.

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媒体试驾向来是天马行空,独往独来。Media test drive has always been unconstrained woolgather.

有时,你并不需要有奢侈的愿望,或是天马行空的想象。Sometimes you don't need a fancy, pie-in-the-sky sort of idea.

谁也不能阻遏概念建筑师的思想天马行空。No one can stop the flight of the conceptual architects’ thought.

蒂姆伯顿就是那条大鱼,用他的电影给我们讲天马行空的故事。A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories.

天马行空的胡思乱想,有真有假。This is my unconstrained woolgather, some are true, some are false.

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我可以围着地理什么的天马行空地说一大通,但却是一番空谈I could bumble around about geography and this and that, but nothing.

她天马行空、无奇不有的的想象力是无人能及的。She have a powerful and unconstrained style, the imagination is and no one.

同时他们那些天马行空的创意也赋予人们一个审视传统的新视角。And their unrestrained creativity can lead to a new way of looking at traditions.

他们与正常人来不一样,他们最大的特点是让想法天马行空。They were quite different from humans, Their particular feature was fantasic idea.

你是如何天马行空开发、测试、更新、维护和思考系统的?How do you develop, test, update, maintain, and reason about systems without borders?

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也就是说,实际上它跟我天马行空的想象和回忆方式是相反的。that is, in fact, the opposite of my more scattergun approach to images and memories.

刘川的作品是天马行空的想象力和对现实敏锐反应的结合。Liu Chuan's works are a combination of wild imagination and sharp response to reality.

在这则天马行空的安全性行为商业广告中,安全套在厨艺及台球比赛中均战胜了艾滋病毒。A condom beats the AIDS virus at cooking and billiards in this wry safe sex commercial.

这不会阻止那些自由的气候变化评论家们天马行空的想象。That does not stop the bien pensant climate-change commentariat from dreaming out loud.

但是现在苹果面临一个现实,即这位天马行空的领导者可能将退出苹果的历史舞台。But now the company faces the real possibility that its inspirational leader may fade from the scene.

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她天马行空,自由自在,忘却了时间与年龄,甚至连自己的终身大事也顾不得考虑。She has a free mind and a free schedule, forgetting all about time and age, even about love and marriage.

可能我有边听摇滚、边喝咖啡、边构思文章的习性,喜欢一个人天马行空地潇洒在自由的世界里。May I listen to rock, drinking coffee, while the idea of the habit, like a man yeah cool in the free world.

因此,可能还是在一个黑洞步向当然不外乎天马行空揣测。Consequently, what might lie beyond or inside a black hole is certainly nothing more than fanciful speculation.