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这是一种完美可行的教学法。It's an AOK teaching method.

这被称作“混合教学法”。This is called the “blended learning concept.

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“案例”教学法是一种运用案例进行教学的方法。The casus teaching is a teaching way to use case.

他质疑诗人的教学法。He questions the methods of teaching of the poets.

容易掌握是Hoopes教学法的中心主题。Accessibility is a central theme in Hoopes' teachings.

这种填鸭式的教学法现在受到严厉的谴责。Such cramming method of teaching is now severely reprobated.

PBL教学法是以问题为基础、以学生为中心的教学模式。PBL is a problem-based and student-centered learning pattern.

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我真的觉得这种互动性教学法,有很多优点。I do think that interactive pedagogy really stands on its own.

本文提出了多学科渗透教学法。This paper presents multi-subject penetration teaching method.

体裁教学法同样适应于中等以下水平的学生。Genre-based approach also suits under-intermediate-level students.

语言教育的方法多种多样,故事教学法是其中重要而实用的一种。There are many ways to teach language to hearing-impaired children.

体裁教学法是基于体裁理论上的一种教学方法。Genre-based teaching approach is the pedagogy based on genre theory.

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我听说案例分析是法律课的基本教学法。I heard that Case analysis is the basic teaching method in law class.

而在全国范围内,混合教学法早就占据了一席之地。And nationally, blending learning has already caught on in some areas.

在ESP和EAP领域,“体裁教学法”是行之有效的教学方法。Genre-based teaching approach is an effective pedagogy in ESP and EAP.

逆向教学法是从实践到理论。Athwart direction the teaching method is from fulfillments to the theories.

对此,教学法实验课负有重任。Therefore, experiment teaching of methodology is highly responsible for it.

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为达到这个要求,在教学中,采用了“七步教学法”模式。To do so, we take the model of seven steps to teach basketball in practice.

任务驱动教学法是一种很有效的以学生为中心的教学方法。Task-based teaching method is an effective student-centered teaching method.

学案制教学法是建立在基础教育课程基本理念基础上的教学。The method of case study bases on the theory of basic educational curriculum.