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我受不了这种奇耻大辱!I cannot stand the disgrace.

这是所有赫特人的奇耻大辱!This is an insult to all Hutts!

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谁也不会甘心忍受这一奇耻大辱。No one will lie down under the deep humiliation.

在我小的时候,极客就相当于怪胎,被人叫做极客,那是奇耻大辱。When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek.

听到有人质疑他的才能,肖恩觉得受了奇耻大辱。Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.

夏皱了皱眉。“裹足是中国的奇耻大辱。”Xia frowned. "Foot binding is a great shame for China. ""

我们永远不会忘记“东亚病夫”的奇耻大辱。We will never forger the immense insult of being called "Oriental Sick Men".

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由于她出身王族,这门婚事被认为是奇耻大辱。The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.

就在这样的奇耻大辱中,墨索里尼及其法西斯主义成了历史。In such a horrible climax of degradation Mussolini and Fascism passed into history.

不止一人提到此事,并引为故宫的奇耻大辱。More than one person mentioned this matter, and lead to the palace to permit someone.

顺便说一声,完全难以置信的哈,和国足相比,中国麻将队输给了欧洲队简直是我国之奇耻大辱。By the way, the unbelievable lose of chinese team in euro is really a national shame even compared with Team China of soccer.

有两位新闻摄影人士遭到了歹徒的袭击,他们的像机也被打碎了。他们受到如此虐待实是奇耻大辱。Two news photographers were attacked by the mob, and their cameras were smashed. It is disgraceful that they were so maltreated.

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使用方便的人造处女膜,也被中东的女性所使用,婚前性行为在这里被视为社会的奇耻大辱。The easy-to-operate fake hymens are also used by women in the Middle East, where pre-marital sex still has a strong social stigma.

真是奇耻大辱,美国被人揪住了小辫子,因为中国的政客们影响着业已酿成的债务危机。It is a crying shame when the United States is held hostage because its manufactured debt crisis is influenced by Chinese politicians.

日本在南极洲附近的澳大利亚领海上从事非法捕鲸活动,但澳大利亚却对日本奉行奴颜婢膝政策,简直是奇耻大辱。Australia's policy ofkowtowing to Japan on the issue of illegal whaling in Australian watersoff Antarctica has been an absolute disgrace.

这件事就个月前就应该发生了,但当最终公布的决定对这家一度在英国叱诧风云的银行来说是奇耻大辱。IT SHOULD have happened months ago, but the decision, when it came at last, was a humiliating one for what was once one of Britain's highest-flying banks.

例如,有的文化下,女性如果在嘴唇上没有木片、在脖子上没有增长脖子的金属环则会感到受到奇耻大辱。For example, there are cultures in which women are terrifically ashamed if they don't have wooden plates in their lips or metal rings elongating their necks.

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让法国官兵抢先到达茨奈姆,就意味着一定会使全军遭受乌尔姆战役之类的奇耻大辱,或者使全军覆没。To allow the French to get to Znaim before him would mean exposing the whole army to a disgrace like that of the Austrians at Ulm, or to complete destruction.

当时的市政当局要求他在机翼下面建造立柱,以防机翼垮塌,可是这对帕太兹先生来说是奇耻大辱。The municipal authorities at the time required him to build pillars under the wings so they wouldn’t collapse, which was an unforgivable insult to Mr. Pettazzi.