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乘那艘旧船出航真是冒险。It's tempting Providence to go in that old boat.

我必须再度出航,前往吉普赛式的漂荡。I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

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出航的40位科学家,全部都配带有高科技的设备。On board are 40 scientists, all armed with high tech equipment.

在2月13日、2月14日,即星期五、星期六都会有游轮出航。There are cruises on Friday and Saturday February 13th and 14th.

在周围的水域可以看到不少出航的船只。The wakes of several ships are visible in the surrounding waters.

当郑和于1405年出航时,他的船队是当代最强大、最威震八方的。When Zheng set sail in 1405, his fleet was the mightiest of its age.

如果你要出航一周,那么你一定要带上你的食物。If you're going out for a week on the river, you're going to take your vittles.

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本次出航可能会再次提升人们对于中国军力快速增长的担忧。The move is likely to raise fresh concerns over China's rapid military build-up.

她是真正的美,他回忆道,我随她出航到鹿特丹港市,赫尔,米德尔斯堡。She was a real beauty, he says. With her I sailed to Rotterdam, Hull, Middlesborough.

“大黄峰”号于一九四二年四月二日出航,由若干巡洋舰,驱逐舰和一艘舰队油船护航。On April 2,1942 HORNET put to sea escorted by cruisers , destroyers and a fleet oiler.

随伊斯帕尼奥拉号从布里斯托尔出航的全体人员只有五个人回来。Only five of the men who had sailed from Bristol with the Hispaniola returned with her.

山姆很快地买了第一班出航的船票并登上了船。Sam quickly paid for his ticket and boarded the first outward-bound ship he could find.

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1628年8月10日,当这艘船准备首次出航时,斯德哥尔摩沉浸在激动的气氛中。As she was prepared of her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment.

巴特沃斯描述道,最近有一天,一位从未上过船的水手也一同出航。Mr. Butterworth described a recent day when a sailor who had never been on the boat came along.

经过几年对西伯利亚的探索,白令的远征队造好了新船并扬帆出航。After several years exploring Siberia, Bering's expedition finished building new ships and set sail.

于是,菲利普长官带着三只小艇出航,去寻找更便利的海港。Governor Phillip, therefore, took three boats, and sailed out to search for some more convenient harbor.

艾瑟也恋爱了,但是亚伦打算成为随船医生并且要出航很久。Esser also fell in love, but Aaron is going to be despatch, doctor and want to go to sea for a long time.

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尽管卡特迈号上设置了水密门,但维护状况都较差,出航的时候船员们就让水密门一直敞开着。Though the Katmai had watertight doors, they were not in good condition, and the crew often left them open at sea.

舰艇视频记录系统可以实时记录舰艇各舱室、战位在出航、训练和作战中的真实情况。Video capture system can record the real-time video data during voyaging and find out the real reason of accident.

这是1998年从乌克兰购置,在其首次出航以前,它作为一个锈迹斑斑的半成品已经下水十年。It was bought in 1998 from Ukraine, where it had been rusting half-finished since its first launch a decade earlier.