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农作物濒临干死。CROPS are dying.

阳光使农作物成熟。The sun ripens the corn.

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集镇是买卖农作物的场所。Market towns trade crops.

盐分会使农作物变成红褐色。Salt will rust the crops.

农作物尚未收割。Crops have not been harvested.

农作物被霜冻毁了。The crops were blasted by frost.

农作物名物词的意义。Meaning categories of crop nouns.

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干旱期使农作物枯萎了。The dry spell blighted the crops.

收集农作物或果类的人。The fruit of any of these plants.

农民在耕地上轮栽农作物。Farmers rotate crops in the fields.

他们的主要农作物是白薯。Their main crop is the sweet potato.

他们生产有机的水种农作物。They produce organic, hydroponic crops.

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农作物名物词的确定及概貌。Determination and profile of crop nouns.

农作物经常遭受病虫害。The crops suffered from frequent blights.

下批农作物到来时,我们会告诉您的。When new cro come in, we'll let you know.

但是,这些农作物有着致命的后果。But the crop can have deadly consequences.

农艺学是一门与农作物生产相关的科学。Agronomy is the science of crop production.

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我们对农作物进行压条处理,以利于他们生长。We layer the crops to make them grow better.

翔安区是厦门市主要农作物生产基地。Xiang'an is the key farmland base of Xiamen.

秋姑娘来到了田野里,农作物都熟了。Autumn girl came to the fields, crops are ripe.