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他们将在公园大旨营建一座庆贺碑。They will put up a monument in the middle of the park.

他们找到了适于营建种子园的地区。They have found areas suitable for seed orchard purposes.

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圆环状加热底盘,营建更广领域有用的日光浴场合。Large circular emitter directs heat to increase basking area.

并论述了各个时期松景营建的发展脉络。And discusses the various periods of pine construction development.

几年前,俄罗斯的承包商为完成这项工程承担了营建任务。Russian contractors undertook to complete the project several years ago.

北朝营建机制研究??以东魏邺南城建设为例。Building Mechanism in Northern Dynasty??Taking Southern Ye as an Example.

中国的营建公司赢得了非洲和东欧各地的合约。Chinese construction firms have won contracts across Africa and eastern Europe.

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这栋十层楼高的建筑物其位置与营建时程规划目前仍在保密中无法得知。The location and construction schedule of the ten-storey building are secret for now.

只要您愿意,让我们给您营建一个完全属于你自家的菜园子吧!As long as you like, let us build you a complete part of your own vegetable garden now!

对于营建第二代种子园,最好就是深思熟虑,按部就班。It is best to establish second-generation orchards on a deliberate step-wise time scale.

因为与美国的哈里伯顿公司一样,沙特的本·拉登集团专门营建大型基础设施项目。Like Halliburton, the Saudi Binladin Group specializes in gigantic infrastructure projects.

营建许可急剧下降,因为没人建造新房Housing permits have dropped way off because, of course, they're not building homes anymore.

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皈依法,储蓄甘露法水,为自己营建了自来水厂。Taking refuge in the Dharma, save the ambrosial water and set up a waterworks in yourselves.

论文重点从以实造松景和以虚造松景两个方面论述了松景的营建手法。The paper is made from pine and pine to fabricate two aspects of pine construction technique.

耳环的设想灵感源自粉饰艺术作风,并以玄色和金色营建暖和顺眼的映托成效。Inspired by the art deco style, the earrings set a warm contrast between the black and gold tones.

第二章从丧葬观念入手,探论了该墓的营建者王都的个人意愿在壁画中的体现。The second chapter focuses on the personal will of Wang Du, the tomb builder, embodied in the mural.

周二公布的数据还有7月营建支出、7月待售成屋及8月汽车销售等.Construction spending figures for July, pending home sales for July and August car sales also are due on Tuesday.

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事实上,真正危险的是剥夺我们自己参与营建更富强的社会所必需的经济发展的做法。In truth, what is dangerous is denying ourselves the level of economic growth we need to build stronger societies.

我们提供有限度的技术帮助与控制,社区居民参与营建。We provided limited technical aid and management. The habitants of the community participated in the construction.

大约从8个村5000个家庭被重新安置,以弥补奥斯威辛和比克瑙营建筑的空间。Around 5000 families from 8 villages were relocated to make space for the buildings of Auschwitz and Birkenau camps.