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ρ是密度,对吗?Rho is a density, right?

降低电流密度。Reduce the current density.

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冰的密度比水小。Ice is not as dense as water.

它具有较高的电荷密度。It is a high charged density.

每车公里客运密度?。Passengers Per Bus-Kilometer?

味咸凉而微苦,相对密度1.527。The relative density is 1.527.

在金属中锇的密度很高。Osmium has the highest density.

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水的载重密度为1025。The load density of water 1025.

它的密度比水还小。And it is less dense than water.

没错,高热量密度Okay, the higher caloric density.

硬质纤维板出篮,取而代之的是中密度纤维板。Hardboard is being replaced by MDF.

纱支密度达200针以上Total density of warp&weft over 200

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水的技工重密度为1025。Weight density of water craft 1025.

汽泡纸的密度是多少?What is the density of bubble wrap?

但密度是质量除以体积Ah, but density is mass over volume.

而是手提式骨质密度扫描仪。It' a portable bone-density scanner.

对林分密度的评价。The evaluation of the stand density.

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密度板也叫纤维板。Density board also calls beaverboard.

种群密度亦趋于均匀化。The population density is evened out.

这种过剩密度的波就是声波。This wave of excess density is sound.