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你看到解药了么?Do you see an antidote?

那么,避免相互指责的解药是什么?So, what's the antidote to blaming?

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嫉妒是外遇的解药?Is jealousy the antidote to cheating?

这种毒药没有解药。There is no known antidote for this poison.

信念是惟一已知失败之解药!Faith is the only known antidote for failure!

悲伤本身就是解药。Grief is itself a medicine. --William Cowper, Charity.

这时候,一点点俄勒冈的新鲜空气就有如解药!Wouldn’t some fresh Oregon air be the perfect antidote!

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现在大家都中了毒了,你就把解药拿出来交换就扯平了吧。Now, we are all poisoned, why not exchange the antidotes?

放心,我已经在练功房找到解药了。Don't worry, I have got the antidote in the exercise room.

缜本身是一种寂寞,却还要做你寂寞的解药。Itself is a lonely, but also make you feel lonely antidote.

它唯一的解药是宽恕——基督所乐意赐予的。Its only remedy is forgiveness—given freely by Jesus Christ.

但德鲁克不仅仅是这些焦虑症状的解药。But Drucker was more than just an antidote to status anxiety.

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无聊的解药是好奇心,而好奇心却是无药可解。The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

老板还说他有解药,不过得付1000美元。The boss still says he hasan antidote, however has to pay USD 1000.

令狐冲还想着不知道平一指研究出解药了没有。Make fox blunt thought I dont know even a study indicated no antidote.

唯一摆脱的措施就是走出那扇门往找到解药。The only way to overcome it and walk out that door is to find an antidote.

人称犯罪评书,提醒人生步步有圈套,附“大伟解药”提示。Say crime, reveal the life as step had trap, enclose "David antidote" warn.

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乐观是编程人员的职业病,而反馈则是解药。Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming. Feedback is the treatment.

对于那些怀疑的声音,解药就是听神的声音。The antidote to the voices of doubt is to instead listen to the voice of God.

解药是一个叫德熙蕾的甜美可爱的服务生。The medicine was provided by a sweet little waitress and her name was Desiree.