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照理应该常常看到他们两人在一起呀。They must have seen them together for ever.

我希望,我现在可以谈啦,照理也该谈谈。I can talk of it now, I hope, as Iought to do.

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现在是冬天,这里照理应该很冷。It's winter time. It's supposed to be cold in here.

照理说,什么人要杀抗日战士呢?Logically, who would want to kill fighters against Japan?

尽心竭力,照理应该得到较好的结果。So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.

超级英雄电影照理来说应该一飞冲天,但是其中的大部分却一瘸一拐。Superhero movies are supposed to soar but most of these limp.

结果他去了一个小时还没回来,照理说早该回到了。An hour later he was gone--still gone and it was around the corner.

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猪已经死了三次了,照理说,不能再生了。The pig had died three times, and accordingly he should not be reborn.

大学生照理在任何情况下都应保持沉著和冷静。College students are supposed to be calm and cool under any circumstances.

照理说这只可怜的四条腿的狗,实在不适于受这种训练。The poor dog, with his four paws, was not formed for this sort of exercise.

他说你照理应该会看到三分之一都带着刚出生不久的幼海象。You'd expect to see about one in three with newborn yearling calves, he says.

照理说,场间休息时出去抽根烟应该是很爽的。Between takes, it would have been tempting to go outside and have a cigarette.

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照理说,克里姆林宫想要对卖给邻国的天然气涨价并不过分。In principle, the Kremlin's drive to charge its neighbours more for gas is reasonable.

照理说,较为富裕的国家不至于这样做,但在极端情况下则不然。Richer nations are assumed to be above such measures, but not in extreme circumstances.

那些奴隶制的拥护者和作者们,照理说他们应该会喜欢这样的说法When we start hearing from our pro-slavery advocates and writers they would've loved that.

对于这些明目张胆、超限运输的车辆,照理说“应当严惩”。For these flagrant, transfinite transport vehicles, seem to say "should be severely punished."

照理说,这样的产程应当可以制造出安全、精心设计的汽车,而且一般人都买得起。Theoretically, this process results in safe, well-engineered cars that normal people can afford.

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照理说在无外力干扰下,大自然所创造的一切都是完美的。When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.

的确,照理说这是它应该做的,但是成功的预言并不预报混沌未知的将来。Yes, it certainly is meant to do that, but successful divination does not predict the raw future.

照理说,学校也有牙医诊所,可实际上,里面的牙医寥寥无几。A school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.