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我会带你进屋的。I'll see you in the room.

他搀扶着祖母进屋。He helped his grandmother in.

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母亲把她儿子拖进屋来。The mother dragged her boy in.

来吧,淘气包,咱们进屋去吃晚饭。Well, come on, Puss, let’s go in to supper.

帮我把洗晒的衣服拿进屋,天在下雨了。Help me to get the washing in, it's raining.

进屋来吧,我来给你们煮一杯热可可茶。Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.

要是你再谈‘战争’我就马上进屋去了。If you say ‘war’ again, I’ll go in the house.

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他刚一走进屋就被轻蔑的吼叫声轰了出来。He was howled away when stepping into the room.

我把钥匙弄丢了,只好把窗户撞开进屋了。I lost my key and had to smash the window open.

宝树进屋,发现竟然是叶凌青。Treasure tree room and found it was Ye Lingqing.

他从一扇开着的窗户爬进屋去。He got into the house by means of an open window.

他甚至在进屋以后还穿着大衣。He kept his coat on even when he entered the house.

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劳驾了,嬷嬷,让我坐在这里,等爸爸回家来我再进屋去。Please, Mammy, and I’ll sit here till Pa comes home.

当我进屋时她正在用刀削苹果。She was paring an apple with a knife when I came in.

她进屋前先脱掉雨衣。She pulled off her raincoat before entering the room.

她看了看我们,就邀请我们进屋品尝一些小吃。She took one look at us and invited us in for snacks.

小偷进屋的企图未能得逞。The thief was foiled in his attempt to enter the house.

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他刚进屋,电话铃就响了。Scarcely had he entered the room when the telephone rang.

刚进屋来的那女子正是阮星竹。The woman who just entered the house was indeed Star Ruan.

维克走进屋时,梅林达和史蒂夫惊恐地抬起头来。Melinda and Steve looked up fearfully when Veach walked in.