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即使在喧扰的夜里,听见我说的任何一个字吗?Anything I'm saying, even though the night is filled with voices.

这时候草棚外的喧扰也已经扩大。By now the sound of angry voices outside had become louder still.

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白日以这小小的地球的喧扰,淹没了整个宇宙的沉默。The day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the silence of.

让你的音乐如一柄利刃,直刺入街市喧扰的心中吧。let your music, like a sword, pierce the noise of the market to its heart.

世间的尘嚣喧扰,似乎沉寂,让我重新拾取记忆的落英。The noisy noise, the world seems quiet, let me to pick the lost its memory.

我渴望舒舒服服地躺在一个角落,远离喧扰。I am pining for a corner in which to nestle down snugly, away from the crowd.

白天以这小小的地球的喧扰,淹没了整个宇宙的安静。the day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the silence of all worlds.

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不管你如何劳苦和渴望,保持在生活的喧扰纷乱里心灵安宁。And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace in your soul.

那个小小的市镇不见了,如今有的是一个迅速扩大的城市,它正以无穷无尽的力量与紧张喧扰的活动不断更新自己的面貌。The little town was gone and the face of the rapidly growing city was animated with never-ceasing energy and bustle.

我有两张深蓝色的豪华座椅可以随意坐卧,还有一扇门帘隔开拉门外走廊上人来人往的喧扰。I had two dark-blue plush chairs to lounge on and a curtain to shut the bustle of corridor traffic outside my sliding door.

你的真正挑战会是,在每天生活中的喧扰及冲突的不和谐中,学习让自己的意见被清楚听到。Your true challenge will be to learn to make your voice clearly heard above the noise of daily life and the dissonance of conflict.

许多人到国家公园来,就是为了摆脱尘世的浮躁喧扰,感受某种深刻与永恒。By coming to national parks, many seek to transcend the superficial distractions that clutter daily life and experience something of deeper, enduring value.

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我的心灵确实想要热热闹闹一番,但在尝试热闹的时候,它却不断与喧扰撞击,使得它在我的内心变得完全疯狂了,并且没完没了地折磨着我。My mind really wants to be busy, but in making the attempt it knocks so repeatedly against the crowd as to become utterly frenzied and to keep buffeting me, its cage, from within.

阅读是需要气氛的,喧扰与匆忙要坚决摒弃在外,正如对书桌的苛求,物理的外在中融入适度的感性是再恰当不过的了。Reading needs the special atmosphere abandoning the disturbance and busy. It is the best melting with the physical material and moderate sense, which is just like the demands of desk.

闭上眼,寻找一片森林,一个永远洒满阳光,永远有湖水、绿地的诗境,撇开人群、都市的拥挤,撇开一切的喧扰。Close your eyes, look for a forest, a place full of sunshine and poetic conception around with lake, green belt, which can seclude yourself from the crowded people and city, and all the tumult.