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或者尝试兜售他们?Try to sell them?

只能兜售叫卖在通衢。Peddled in the thoroughfares.

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他试图向我兜售一台次品收音机。He tried to stick me with a bad radio.

他们四处兜售他们的新产品。They touted their new product around.

我们应该在电视上兜售商品。We should tout our wares on television.

他们是一个兜售工具的骗子。They are a selling tool for the cheater.

向肚饿的行人兜售鱼和薯片的路边摊。Fish and Chips stall for hungry passersby 's.

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你不必向我兜售分离主义思想,杜库。You don't have to sell me on Separatism, Dooku.

那个农民挨家挨户兜售他的水果。The farmer peddled his fruit from house to house.

兜售一把药可能引来15年监禁。Peddling a handful can lead to a 15-year sentence.

这位教授,事实上在兜售伪科学。The Professor is, in fact, peddling pseudoscience.

我遇见他时,看见他正在兜售他的货物。When I met him, he was spieling about his articles.

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那么究竟有没有不兜售性服务的陪护呢?Are there any escort services that don’t peddle sex?

她们便蜂拥而上,向我们兜售起小块的水晶石。They wanted to sell us little pieces of rock crystal.

法国人想把他们的形象作为大情种兜售给我们。The French try to sell us their image as great lovers.

票贩子索价十镑向我兜售原价两镑的票子。A ticket tout offered me a two pound ticket for ten pounds.

游客禁止任何兜售叫卖活动,违者将受到处罚并驱逐出境。Tourists are not allowed to engage in any peddling activity.

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请在开始时,如果股票被兜售都受到限制。Ask at the outset if the stocks being peddles are restricted.

你们为重新粉刷学校兜售包装纸,为购置新家具兜售体恤衫You sold wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture

但是到底兜售什么信息才算内幕交易还仍不明了。But it is still unclear what information was actually peddled.