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军队在女王面前进行步操仪式,为女王祝寿。The army marches before the Queen on her birthday.

一次逢王的生日,他的门生想给他祝寿。On his birthday, his students wanted to give him a party.

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给母亲祝寿,也仅买了两斤肉。Even for his mother's birthday , he only bought a kilogram of meat.

在祝寿宴会上她是宫庭里见到的最美丽的人。She is really the most beautiful creature that was seen at court upon the birthday.

于是,在他80岁生日的时候,下旨传召了很多地方上的戏剧表演团来京为他祝寿。On his 80th birthday, he let local opera troupes come to Beijing to perform for him.

在特别欢乐的一天,给完好无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。It's fun to send these wishes for a clearly happy to an uncle who is nice in every way.

两天之内完成一幅大型的福禄寿祝寿图,这怎么可能?Two daytime inside complete a large blessing Lu life to wish life diagram, this how may?

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在出格欢乐的一天,给完善完好的大伯祝寿,真叫我欣忭满心间。It's fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way.

现场的观众似乎更多是为了给曼德拉祝寿,而非听音乐会而来。People in the crowd appeared to be at the gig more to honor Mandela than to hear the music.

今天是奶奶的80寿诞,全家人聚在一起给奶奶祝寿。Today is grandma's 80th birthday, and all the family have got together to congratulate her.

相公,明日我父亲过七十大寿,你陪我回家祝寿吧!Dear husband, my father is going to have his 70th birthday, go and visit him with me, please!

林老师表示布袋戏在近代演出以迎神谢神和祝寿为主。Lin said the puppet show is to greet the gods in thank God activities and birthday party oriented.

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今天是爸爸生日,我请了假回家为他老人家祝寿。As all the daughters' thoughts, I am the happiest daughter in the world for I have the best father.

夏历一月一日,我早早地就睡醒了,穿上新衣服,早饭吃的是祝寿面条。On the morning of the first day of lunar January, I got up early and dressed myself in new clothes.

迎风冒雪,去了四家蛋糕店,都没有挑到可心的祝寿蛋糕。We had been to four cake shops braving the wind and snow, butdidn't pick up suitable birthday cake.

葫芦是‘福禄’的谐音,寄予吉祥、赐福、祝寿、镇宅的含义。Hulu is 'foo' and euphony, and placed good fortune, blessing, birthday, the town house of the meaning.

2004年春节中央电视台新闻联播节目播出了温家宝总理向薛老祝寿的画面。In the 2004 Spring Festival, CCTV news broadcasting reported the scene that Premier Wenjiabao visited Mr. Xue.

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两面都已埋到层层叠叠,宛然阔人家里祝寿时的馒头。Both sides were full of rows of tombs, which seemed like a bun used to celebrate birthday in a better-off family.

青海乐都地区汉族祝寿习俗历史悠久、仪式隆重、特色显著。The birthday ceremony for the aged is a special custom for the Han nationality in Ledu district, Qinghai province.

最后朝中文武百官高举酒杯齐声为玄宗祝寿。Finally, all civil and military officials in the court held high wine glasses to congratulate on Emperor Xuanzong birthday.