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大多数可能是这样。Most probably.

大多数是因为铜。Copper, mostly.

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大多数中文论文从未被人引用过。Most are never cited.

他们大多数互相勾搭。Most of them hook up.

你们中的大多数都没有上过。Most of you have not.

大多数的昆虫都有六只脚。Most bugs have six legs.

大多数苍蝇不叮人。Most flies do not sting.

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大多数人都谴责战争。Most people condemn war.

大多数人是二元论者。Most people are dualists.

大多数人都是二元论者Most people are dualists.

大多数人做不来。Most people cannot do it.

而大多数人的不幸福极值在40到50多岁,全球平均值为46岁。The global average is 46.

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大多数的江河湖海中都有鱼。Fish occur in most waters.

大多数人浅尝辄止。Most people quit too soon.

大多数人都很乐于助人,People are mostly helpful,

大多数人是这么做的吗?Is this what most people do?

大多数海鸟都以鱼为食物。Many sea birds live on fish.

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大多数学生在校吃食堂。Most of the students eat in.

大多数爆发未加研究。Most outbreaks go unstudied.

对于大多数人来所,这是事实。That's true for most of you.