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三秒,子鱼可以睁开眼睛了。Is three, the son fish can open eyes.

让子鱼他们先不要来打扰我。Let son fish they don't come to bother me first.

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一个猎人带着他捕获的狗从田野里回来,刚巧碰到个提着满蓝子鱼的渔夫。HUNTSMAN, returning with his dogs from the field, fell in by chance with a Fisherman who.

交出子鱼,不然,今日后,永安再无铁爪门!Hand over a son fish, otherwise, today after, the permanent stability has no iron claw door again!

珊瑚礁鱼的例子是鹤鱵,蓝子鱼,与可能地一些扁背鲀。The only reef-associated examples are belonids, siganids, and possibly some canthigasterin puffers.

人群彻底散开,贺宸才站起身体,朝老王和子鱼走了过去。The crowd thoroughly spreads out, He Chen just the station begin a body, reign the old potentate and son fish walked pass by.

丁老,先去买一些书吧。子鱼他最喜欢看书,这一次如果空手回去,也挺不好的。The D is old, work 1st to purchase some books. Son fish he likes reading most , this time whether with bare hands return to, also beautiful not okay.

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贺宸温柔的声音传来,随后他身边的子鱼睁开了眼睛,一睁眼便看见贺宸站在他的身旁。The He Chen gentle and soft voice spreads, after on he nearby of the son fish opened eyes, one open eyes and then penetrate the He Chen stand at his body side.

对中国沿海常见蓝子鱼科鱼类的外部形态、呼吸器官、感觉器官、消化器官、骨骼系统等形态特征进行了比较研究。The study was focused on the comparison of the morphological characters, including the body shapes, respiratory and sense organs, digestive system and osteological feathers of Chinese siganids.

经过这场闹剧,玩耍的心情也减淡了不少,闹市再次恢复了喧闹,可这声音怎么听怎么烦躁,就连子鱼都没有了玩耍的心情。After this farce, the mood playing also reduces svelte numerous, the busy streets afresh resumed to quarrel, tin this voice how listen to how fidgety, join son fishes all have no activity of mood.