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有两个团在城里驻防。Two regiments were garrisoned in the town.

派了一百名士兵在城里驻防。A hundred soldiers were garrisoned in the town.

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通往驻防地的道路上地雷密布。The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.

驻防国外的美国军人在这一天得以享用感恩节大餐。Overseas, U.S. troops are served a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

满汉民族驻防杂居,文化习俗相互影响。Man-Han garrison mixed ethnic, cultural practices affect each other.

它非常擅长干掉大量步兵以及隐藏的驻防点。It is very good at taking out masses of infantry and tricky garrisons.

伏地魔成立了在要塞驻防的部队,把队员带到黑暗的一边。Voldemort started a garrison force. Brought' em over to the dark side.

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他在他的地方咱在咱的地方驻防,没寻思。He was in his place in Our emanating from the local garrison, not forever.

达味恰在山砦内,而培肋舍特人当时在白冷驻防。David was in the stronghold while the Philistine garrison was at Bethlehem.

达味恰在山砦内,而培肋舍特人当时在白冷驻防。And David was then in a hold. and there was a garrison of the Philistines then in Bethlehem.

在这种变迁过程中,驻防旗人也深深地融入当地社会。During these transitions, people of Baqi garrison community had melted into the local society.

南疆八旗驻防制度在乾隆朝正处于初创时期,变化频仍。It formed a unique system of Eight Banners garrisons of the Qing Dynasty in southern Xinjiang.

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公元1644年,清八旗劲旅大批入关,此后陆续驻防于全国各地的军事要塞,从而形成驻防八旗。Many of the Man "Eight-Banners" got into Shanhaiguan in 1644 and were sent to many military forts later.

恰巧,那位忒阿杜勒中尉所属的团队调来巴黎驻防了。It chanced that the regiment to which Lieutenant Theodule belonged came to perform garrison duty in Paris.

江西没有本省的军队,向来都是外省军队来此驻防。Kiangsi has no provincial troops of its own and has always been garrisoned by troops from other provinces.

上士BrianEisch,一个35岁的单身父亲,他在威斯康星州有两个孩子,这也是他的第一次海外驻防,他有不同的看法。a 35-year-oldsingle parent of two boys fromWisconsin, also on his first deployment, voiced adifferent view.

这个要塞驻防地的成员大部分都是来自新英格兰的有着强烈渴望的志愿者,很多都是同情反奴隶制的。The garrison was made up predominantly of eager volunteers from New England, many with antislavery sympathies.

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部队被送到Kiska岛的海岸上。在部队驻防期间,有几只老鼠从一些点位跑到陆地上。Troops were sent ashore on Kiska, and at some point during their deployment, several rats also made their way onshore.

你在八月十一日叫我的军队“就原地驻防待命”,不打敌人了。On August 11 you ordered my troops to "stay where they are, pending further orders" and not to attack the enemy any more.

杉木非常狡猾,她让特别行动队伪装成冯泰的部下,与集中营驻防的伪军换防。Fir very cunning, she let the special task force disguised as Feng Tai men, were in the ana stay with concentration camps.