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艺术是人造物,艺术包含许多文化包袱。Art is man-made.

这是我们的文化。This is our culture.

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你痛恨苹果的文化。You hate Apple culture.

吉兰丹马来文化的摇篮。Cradle of Malay Culture!

英格兰的饮食文化。Food culture in England.

我喜欢日本文化。I like Japanese culture.

他们的语言及文化都很多样。Than Native-born whites.

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消费者与次文化。Consumers and Subcultures.

什么是长尾文化呢?What is long tail culture?

都是流行的和文化修养高的。Both popular and high-brow.

我现在在世纪坛文化广场。I'm at the cultural square.

文化素养从不停滞。Literacy skills never stop.

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没有世俗文化There's no secular culture.

我们的文化不那么做。We don't do in our culture.

但是,我们生活在一个快餐文化的国度。But we are a fast food nation.

我们的文化崇尚规划。Our culture worships planning.

文化的一部分是阶级层次。The cultural part is classist.

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这是一种有罪不罚的文化。This is a culture of impunity.

什么是文化传递性?What is cultural transmission?

文化语言学硏究。A study on culture linguistics.