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你的屋宇乃是你较大的躯壳。You house is your larger body.

他们把那栋屋宇分红许多套住房。They divided the house into flats.

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屋宇署电话热线由「1823电话中心」统筹处理。BD hotline is handled by '1823 Call Centre'.

保险公司愿为你的屋宇保火险。An insurance company will insure your house against fire.

这是我签的两份屋宇检查记载表。Here're two copies of Inspection Record Form. signed by me.

我的父母从他们的王座中升起进入云朵的乳状屋宇。My parents rise out of their thrones into the milky rooms of clouds.

香港理工大学屋宇设备工程学系,香港,九龙。Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.

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数周后,我在屋宇署的档案里翻查到了詹姆斯·皮尔森这个名字。Weeks later, I unearthed in the archives of the Department of Buildings the name of James W.

目前,全国乔起源抵押贷款屋宇署正在位于加州圣地牙哥。Currently, Lynda originates loans for BD Nationwide Mortgage, who is located in San Diego, California.

目前,全国乔起源抵押贷款屋宇署正在位于加州圣地牙哥。Presently, Lynda originates loans for BD Nationwide Mortgage, who is located in San Diego, California.

地震将所有的一切都变得面目全非,不仅仅是屋宇跟草坪,人们也不例外。But then the earthquake came and changed everything, and not just the houses and the lawns, people as well.

涵盖的屋宇装备装置包括照明、电力、空调、升降机及自动梯装置。Building services installations covered include lighting, electrical, air-conditioning and lift and escalator.

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全港约十分之一的屋宇单位被选中,而单位内所有住户均为访问对象。About one-tenth of all quarters in Hong Kong were sampled and all households therein were included in the enquiry.

界画是以宫室、楼台、屋宇等建筑物为题材,采用界笔直尺划线的绘画。Draw on community palace, pavilions, houses and other buildings as a theme, using industry-foot straight line painting.

飞机裂成两半,当它撞毁在220跑道末端,那里非常接近铁路线和屋宇。The aircraft cracked in two after it crashed at the end of runway 220, which lies very close to a rail line and houses.

替代了城中所见的闹市与拥挤的屋宇的,是田野与山,沿着乡村一带,点缀着茅舍小屋。In place of busy streets and crowded houses were fields and hills, and huts dotted here and there along the country-side.

转过山腰,有一片平地,夜色朦胧中看见平地的尽头有一所屋宇,我们齐说,好了,找到一户人家了。Turning round the hillside, we found a tract of flat ground. At its end, we saw a house shrouded in the dim light of night.

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此举是对过去的电影娱乐公司,华纳兄弟,索尼和促进屋宇署决定采取的唯一伴奏。The move is the last film entertainment company Warner Brothers, Sony and promote BD decided to adopt the sole accompaniment.

屋宇署版本,将提供增值的一个独家幕后高清晰度视频功能,即超出了登峰造极。The BD version will offer added value with an exclusive behind-the-scenes High Definition video feature called Beyond the Apex.

屋宇署会配备见解管理人员可利用新的IT工具,以提高营商环境的了解。BD will equip managers with insights to exploit new available IT tools to enhance the understanding of the business environment.