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我相信他的誓言。I believe his troth.

我将履行我的誓言。I'll fulfill my pledge.

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这誓言星空可鉴!This I swear by the stars!

写在童话里的誓言。Written oath in a fairy tale.

但是卡扎菲誓言继续斗争。But Gadhafi vowed to fight on.

你不能收回你的誓言。You cannot call back your oath.

你永远不要给什么誓言!You should never give any troth !

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他曾誓言我们永不分离。He vowed that we would never part.

这是一个公众耻感的誓言,仅仅为了一个人。A vow of public humiliation, for one.

你还记得希波克拉底誓言吗?。Do you remember the Hippocratic Oath?

俺想是偶们该许下誓言得时候鸟。I think it"s time we took some vows."

你现在的行为背离了你的誓言。You are being swerved from your oath.

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他们,偶然听听我的誓言。And they, perchance, heard vows of mine.

誓言,就像是演员在饰演,全是假的。Oath, as an actor in the play, all false.

在那儿我们说过新婚的誓言。Where first our marriage-vows were given.

所以现在,戴着桂冠的女神,我在此立下誓言。So now , crowned goddess, I make this vow.

激动时所立的誓言,平静时会忘记。Vows made in storms are forgotten in calm.

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但是斯里兰卡军誓言继续战斗。But Sri Lankan forces have vowed to fight on.

因为你的承诺你的誓言我不再担心。I belive you , my dear. Don't worry , tell me.

爱神,造孽!若其信守誓言。And Love, be false! if _he_, too keep one oath.