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充分发挥两者所长。In a way the best of both worlds.

寻求中长期的发展和发挥所长的平台,不仅仅是一份工作。I'm looking for a career, not just a job.

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杰克在农场工作是用其所长。Jack is in his element working on the farm.

据新华社消息,国家发改委对外经济研究所所长张燕生提出了一个更悲观的观点。Chinese officials presented a more dire view.

研究所所长为王克强教授。The current director is Professor Wang Keqiang.

丁燮林是该所的第一任所长。Ding Xielin was the first director of the institute.

而远距离射击确实非贾老道所长。The long-range shooting really non director Jia road.

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所长及副所长接踵被人杀死。Director and deputy director successively kill by someone.

女性居民则拿起画笔贡献所长。The female residents contributed by picking up paintbrushes.

是李文次国家鱼类孵卵所的所长。L Jensen is manager of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery.

而且以我的经验,我觉得我能真正发挥所长。And with my experience, I feel that I could make a real impact.

我认为它能给我更多机会发挥所长。I think it can give me more opportunities to use all my skills.

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音乐或声音效果,以发挥所长,你的创作。Music or sound effects to bring out the best of your creations.

同样,律师按各人所长分派工作。Similarly, lawyers parcel out work based on who does that best.

他们都得到了当时的美国国家癌症研究所所长理查德·克劳斯纳博士的支持。Both had the blessings of Dr. Richard Klausner, then NCI director.

新时期对公安派出所所长提出新的要求。New era brings forward new requirements for local police directors.

当我们到达沙丘时,所长还没有挖掘出什么来。When we reached the dunes, the inspector hadn’t found anything yet.

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在他们的结婚仪式上,由老所长给他俩做证婚人。At their wedding ceremony, the old bureau chief was their chief witness.

还等什么,现在是你一展所长的时候了。Now it's your time to master techniques your forefathers have given you.

所长认为事关重要,立即转上。The bureau chief thinks to matter to importance and immediately turn up.