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根据美国运动医学学院的研究,患感冒时进行锻炼不会使病情加重。not make the cold worse.

舒降之是否加重哮喘症状?。Does Zocor Worsen Asthma Symptoms?

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由于病的加重使他变得虚弱了。He weakened as the illness grew worse.

他的病情因焦虑而加重。His illness was aggravated by anxiety.

坏天气加重了他的病情。The bad weather aggravated his illness.

重晶石粉是加重材料的一种。Barite is one of the weighting materials.

在微弱的光线下读书会加重眼睛的负担。Reading in the poor light taxes the eyes.

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叫甲板上帮助加重泥浆。Call the roustabouts to help weight up mud.

不过金盒子每天都有加重。But though the gold became heavier each day.

病程为持续性加重。Course of diseases is durative accentuation.

咖啡因会加重某些心脏问题。Caffeine can aggravate certain heart problems.

事实上,它已经加重了他的胃溃疡。In fact, it had exacerbated his stomach ulcer.

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随着病情的加重,他的食欲下降了。His appetite lessens as his illness progresses.

贫血会加重乙肝吗?。Liver of second of anaemic meeting accentuation?

这坏消息更加重我们对事态的忧虑。The bad news made us more anxious for the matter.

你会大大的加重债务负担。You may be adding considerably to your debt burden.

吃巧克力不会诱发粉刺更不会加重粉刺。Eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne.

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当双桅帆船因无风而抛锚停泊时我的胃病加重了。My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed.

木筷加重了滥砍滥伐的灾难。Chopsticks add to a plague of regional deforestation.

结论低营养饲料加重了氟骨症的改变。Conclusion Low-nutrition diet aggravates the disease.