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我们用小船运送那些苹果。We boated the apples.

你运送的是什么?What are you transporting?

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水果在运送途中容易腐烂。Fruits are perishable in transit.

预知定价和运送详情请点击这里。Pricing and shipping details here.

过去粮食由小划子运送到河的上游。Grain used to be canoed up the river.

他们用公共汽车把旅游者运送到飞机场。They bused the tourists to the airport.

你可以使用筒子运送水。You can send the water by using a tube.

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牛仔竞技秀的动物经常在运送途中。Rodeo animals are constantly in transit.

牛排馆的运送服务。12条意见。Steak House delivery services. 12 views.

这些运河被用来运送货物The canals were used to transport goods.

立刻把这批货物运送过去。They trucked the goods over immediately.

他们用卡车立刻把这批货物运送过去。They trucked the goods over immediately.

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一艘邦联的船只将福克斯运送到萨姆特堡。A Confederate boat carried Fox to Sumter.

费和运送费由客户承担。Fees and shipping charges from the customer.

这些货物将由铁路运送到那个城市。These goods will be railroaded to that city.

他们将这些种马运送到各个农场。They travel the stallion to different farms.

我们更想用定期班轮直接运送。We prefer direct shipment by regular liners.

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一列列新火车往返穿梭市内运送旅客。This is a passenger train, not a goods train.

大部分货物都用电瓶车运送。Most transport is done by electrified waggons.

赛马被用有篷卡车从这里运送到那里。The race horses were vaned from here to there.