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这实实在在有一连串。There was the true continuity.

一连串往事掠过他的脑际。Memories flitted through his mind.

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他说出了一连串下流话。He uttered a stream of profanities.

那一连串菜单的最后一道是牛杂碎。The list ended up with sweetbreads.

我们取得了一连串的大丰收。We’ve got a series of good harvest.

一连串的问题弄得他昏头昏脑。He is puzzled by a rain of questions.

他的一连串假动作没有骗过防守队员…His feints did not fool the defendant.

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我们的生活就像一连串的冲刺。Our days are like a series of sprints.

她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。She greeted me with a stream of abuse.

一连串爆破声震撼山谷。A series of explosions shook the valley.

他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。He rapped out a series of curt commands.

人生就是一连串的你好、再见!Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes!

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他发现自己陷入一连串左右为难的情况。He found himself in a series of catch 22s.

他说出一连串的咕噜和嘶嘶声。He spoke in a series of grunts and hisses.

他嘴里说出一连串亵渎的话。A string of profanities came from his lips.

学习英语并非仅是死记一连串的单字。English isn't just a list of English words.

海地将会遇到像钟表齿轮一样一连串的问题。Haiti will be facing storms like clockwork.

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对于这一连串的事故你怎么解释呢?How do you explain the series of accidents?

对于这一连串的事故你怎么解释呢?How do you explain these sets of accidents.

一连串的精美的雪粒雨。A continuous shower of the finest snow-dust.